Kent Campus Resources

What type of campus climate related issue are you trying to address?

A concern or incident that relates to the student's academic affairs. For example, student advisement, tutoring, GPA calculation, transcripts…


A concern or incident that has an impact on the individual's ability to access a resource, material, program, or building. For example, lack of accessibility in a building the student frequents, need for availability of document in large print…


A discriminatory or hurtful act that appears to be motivated, or is perceived by the individual to be motivated all or in part by race, ethnicity, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation. To be considered an incident, the act is not required to be a crime under any federal, state or local statutes.


A concern or incident that has an impact on the individual's personal life. For example, food insecurity, homelessness, need for mental health services.


A concern or incident of a sexual nature, and/or relationship-based perpetrated against an individual without his/her/their consent. The misconduct can be of various degrees, with or without a physical manifestation.


A concern or incident that is likely to have a wide scope of influence, including the campus community, the community at large… For example, disruptive or threatening behavior affecting a group of people, facilities issues…


A concern or incident affecting the individual's occupational, emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, or social health.
