Information for Prospective Partnerships
Types of Partnerships :
General Agreement Guidelines
When considering a new partner it is important to assess the potential of the partnership to ensure a long and active collaboration. Please consider the following:
The academic standing and quality of the potential partner
The potential interest among Kent State students for exchange or study abroad
The available resources to implement the proposed projects or activities
The availability of support from campus divisions (i.e. Research and Education Development, Curriculum Services, Office of the Registrar, etc.)
The level of commitment from each institution
Establishing a New Agreement
Please consult with the International Partnerships Division before beginning any formal negotiations with a potential partner regarding the following:
The type and scope of the proposed partnership
Aspects of mutual responsibility
Financial considerations (scholarships, grant funding, etc.)
Terms of the proposed agreement, especially in relation to student exchanges, articulation agreements, or special degree completion programs
The initial consultation will help determine if a formal agreement is necessary and the type of agreement(s) that should be developed. If it is decided that an agreement should be developed, the sponsoring unit must submit an International Partnership Application form. The information requested in the application assists with the development and maintenance of the potential partnership.
The International Partnerships Division will provide assistance in drafting the agreement and reviewing the draft with the potential partner. If negotiations are needed the International Partnerships Division will assist the sponsoring unit and interact with University Counsel. Once all of the parties have agreed to the draft agreement it will be ready to be finalized.
For more information, contact the International Partnerships Division at:
Finalizing and Signing an Agreement
All agreements, including college or department-specific agreements, may only be signed by the President or Provost of 妻友社区. The International Partnerships Division will assist with the signing process to ensure that all of the steps are completed prior to the signing. Typically Kent State signs the agreements first and then sends them to the proposed partner. All of the original agreements are cataloged and maintained by the International Partnerships Division at 妻友社区.
Questions? Contact Us
妻友社区 |Office of Global Education | 625 Loop Road | 106 Van Campen Hall | Kent, OH 44242, USA |Tel: 330.672.8655 |