Dr. Angela Spalsbury, Dean of 妻友社区 at Geauga and Twinsburg Academic Center, announced those students named to the Fall 2020 President's and Dean's lists.
To qualify for the President's List, students must have a 4.0-grade point average and have completed 15 hours during the semester.
To qualify for the Dean's List, students must earn a 3.40 or more grade point average and have completed 12 or more credit hours for the semester.
President's List
Mackenzie Bozman
Rick Karlsson
Alexander Sumarli
Caden Neumore
Alec Kovac
Dino Sargiovanni
Dean's List
Emma Adgate
Vladislava Alimova
Taylor Arnold
Andreh Avitsian
Kourtney Baines
Kaitlynn Bamler
Aleyna Bandiera
Electra Barnett
Ryan Bass
Patricia Behrend
Mikayla Bell
Paelyn Benz
Jessica Birney
Tommy Bissler
Lydia Boling
Dennin Borter
Rebecca Boyle
Megan Buchert
Macy Buehner
Alexis Byler
Nighyah Carthen
Madysin Ciminello
Jude Connors
Megan Copeland
Emily Corlew
Ethan Cribley
Aliyah Culley
Jessica Dasher
Aaliyah Dean
Susan Decker
David Del Zoppo
Leo Diamantis
Veronica Diaz
Cody Dole
Macie Donaldson
Calahan Doyle
Bryanna Drabek
Blade Eckenrode
Rose Englert
Kassandra Fedor
Anthony Fiorille
Shelby Fisher
Josiah Gaines
Angelina Garganta
Gabriel Goulakos
Lynae Hairston
Emily Hale
Andrew Hall
Edward Hoffman
Carley Horner
Abigail Horton
Solomon Howell
Sonora Howson
Alyna Humphreys
Luke Jackman
Rachel Jenisek
John Joe Ovbiye
August Johnson
Andrew Johnston
Katelynn Justice
Aleksandra Kantimirova
Samantha Kaser
Lydia Kastor
Dylan Keba
Hannah Kendall
John Kneier
Alex Koth
Emma Kotkowski
Tushar Kumar
William Lane
Ryan Lara
Kelsey Lawler
Serena Long
Halee Loving
Kayla Lucas
Jeremy Lynch
Christopher Marcic
Faith Martin
Austin Marvin
Brandon Marvin
Robin Masters
Courtney McCombs
Alexandra Mercsak
Kelsey Minter
Sean Misick
Lelia Morgan
Taylor Murton
William Nash
Wayne Nieh
John Nordholt
Geoffrey Noreika
James Oneil
Cassandra Painley
Emma Pilarczyk
Jacob Pinkley
Griffin Plecko
Maddox Plecko
Caitlyn Prather
Bailey Priebe
Elinor Rayburn
Jason Reed
Michael Reeves
Rachel Retallick
Diana Riley
Liam Rivers
Michael Roberts
Shane Robinson
Elizabeth Robinson
Alexander Robles
Katlyn Rosen
Navdeep Sadhra
Despina Sarris
Rachel Schneider
Mackenzie Schultz
Kayla Schweikert
Tyler Sedor
Breanna Sefcik
Isra Shaikh
Andrea Shay
Kegan Sheely
Nicholas Shockey
Ashley Simmons
Carrie Sinex
Khia Smith
Peyton Smith
Bonnie Somogyi
Kylee Stalzer
Tyler Stanley
Michael Stanley
Lucas Stoddard
Mackenzie Tenorio
Taniah Thomas
Jadon Tinnon
Jacob Tritt
Alyssa Ulatowski
Leah Walden
Alexandria Walker Conway
Katharine Walsh
Robert Wardrop
Brent Warring
Olyvia Watson
Halle Wedler
Timothy Werfel
Alex Williams
Troy Yoder