Safety First

Objective 4:  Provide a safe and secure campus environment through collaboration, training and awareness. 

Strategy 4.1

Inspect and audit university facilities (labs, studios, maintenance shops) regularly to ensure safety and compliance in the physical environment.


  • 4.1a - Develop a rotating inspection and audit schedule with a target of each facility being inspected once every three years.
  • 4.1b - Review inspection results, communicate required improvements and recommendations, and obtain management responses.
  • 4.1c - Ensure that improvements and recommendations are implemented in a timely manner.
Strategy 4.2

Provide training to ensure safe conditions for students, faculty, staff, and community using web-based and facilitator-led training on various safety topics.


  • 4.2a - Enhance and promote training opportunities to achieve 9,000 or more employees and students trained each fiscal year.
  • 4.2b - Actively work with departments to review injuries and encourage methods to reduce the frequency and severity of injuries.
Strategy 4.3

Develop and conduct emergency response exercises to better prepare the campus for various emergency scenarios. 


  • 4.3a – Utilize the to determine which types of emergency situations pose the greatest risk and should be exercised to test plans and capabilities.
  • 4.3b – Utilize a ‘whole community’ approach to engage appropriate stakeholders to help develop exercises.
  • 4.3c - Conduct training and exercises with various key internal and external stakeholders.
  • 4.3d – Conduct after action reviews to evaluate effectiveness of exercises and identify capability gaps.
  • 4.3e – Create an improvement plan to address identified capability gaps. 
Strategy 4.4

Successfully complete the on-site visit to maintain accreditation status, adhere to standards and ensure professional police services to the community.


  • 4.4a - Prepare documents for onsite review.
  • 4.4b - Develop agenda for the onsite visit including interviews with agency and community members.
  • 4.4c - Host assessors for onsite review. 
  • 4.4d - Receive feedback report from review and respond accordingly.
Strategy 4.5

Create and/or enhance comprehensive community engagement initiatives involving the creation of programs to educate community members regarding public safety matters and solicit input.


  • 4.5a - Outline programs to be developed in support of initiative.
  • 4.5b - Develop program curriculum and advertising materials for enrollment.
  • 4.5c - Advertise and recruit participants from various groups on campus for different initiatives.
  • 4.5d - Launch various programs on campus.
  • 4.5e - Evaluate feedback from participants and adjust accordingly for next cohorts.
Sample Metrics
  • Number of people trained in workplace safety.
  • Document training and exercise activities with various departments
  • Completed after action reports of exercises and improvement plans
  • Successful reaccreditation
  • Document community program initiatives and outcomes including lists of participants and evaluation