
Department Meetings

Department meetings are scheduled by the Chair.  There will be at least one scheduled Department meeting of the faculty per semester. The faculty includes regular, full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty and the full-time non-tenure-track faculty at the Kent Campus and within the Regional Campus system.  Department meetings may also be convened at the request of at least one-half of the Department faculty.  An agenda of items to be covered at the meeting is circulated to all faculty members prior to such scheduled meeting.  Additional suggested agenda items may be submitted to the Department Chair in writing. If a majority of the faculty requests, in writing to the Chair, that an agenda item be added, the Chair must include this item.  A simple majority of the Faculty, as defined in the Preamble, not on leave, including the Department Chair, constitutes a quorum for Department meetings. Minutes of each Department meeting are to be taken and distributed to the faculty in a timely manner.  Only Faculty are eligible to vote on all Department issues, unless otherwise stipulated by College/University or CBA policy.  A simple majority vote is required to approve all Department motions and to elect committee members.