Timothy Gallagher
Earth Sciences
Assistant Professor
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I am a biogeochemist and sedimentary geologist whose research centers on terrestrial environments, with a particular focus on modern soils and paleosols (fossil soils). I employ a combined observational and experimental approach that incorporates physical, elemental, and isotopic data collected in the field and laboratory. The ultimate goal of my research is to understand how terrestrial environments will respond to anthropogenic-driven climate change and how they have changed throughout Earth History.
Ph.D. University of Michigan
M.S. University of Michigan
B. Phil. University of Pittsburgh
B.A. University of Pittsburgh
M.S. University of Michigan
B. Phil. University of Pittsburgh
B.A. University of Pittsburgh
- Cowan, D.A., Babenko, D., Bird, R., Botha, A., Breecker, D.O., Clarke, C.E., Francis, M.L., Gallagher, T., Lebre, P.H., Nel, T. and Potts, A.J., (2024). Oxalate and oxalotrophy: an environmental perspective. Sustainable Microbiology, 1(1), p.qvad004
- Joachimski, M., Müller, J., Gallagher, T.M., Mathes, G., Chu, D., Mouraviev, F., Silantiev, V., Sun, Y., and Tong, J. (2022) ‘Five million years of high atmospheric CO2 in the aftermath of the Permian- Triassic mass extinction,’ Geology, V. 50, p. 650-654
- Gao, P., Nie, J., Breecker, D., Gallagher, T., Serach, L., Alonso-Zarza, A., ‘Similar magnetic enhancement mechanisms between Chinese loess and alluvial sediments from the Teruel Basin, NE Spain, and paleoclimate implications’ Geophysical Research Letters
- Gallagher, T.M., et. al., (2021) Regional Patterns in Miocene-Pliocene Aridity Across the Chinese Loess Plateau Revealed by High Resolution Records of Paleosol Carbonate and Occluded Organic Matter, AGU Volume 36, Issue 12
- Gallagher, T.M. and Breecker, D. O, ‘The obscuring effects of calcite dissolution and formation on quantifying soil respiration,’ In-Review at Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- Kelson, J.R., Huntington, K.W., Breecker, D.O., Burgener, L.K., Gallagher, T.M., Hoke, G.,D. Petersen, S.V., (2020) ‘A proxy for all seasons? A synthesis of clumped isotope data from Holocene soil carbonates,’ In-Review at Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 2
- Gallagher, T.M., et. al., (2019) ‘Interpreting the difference in magnitudes of PETM ... and organic matter: Oxidation of methane in soils versus elevated soil respiration rates,’ Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, v. 34, p. 2113-2128.
- Gallagher, T. M., Hren, M.T., and Sheldon, N.D., (2019) ‘The effect of soil temperature seasonality on climate reconstructions from paleosols,’ American Journal of Science, v. 319, p. 549-581.
- Rico, K.I., Sheldon, N.D., Gallagher, T.M., and Chappaz, A. (2019) ‘Redox chemistry and molybdenum burial in a Mesoproterozoic lake,’ Geophysical Research Letters. v. 46, p. 5871-5878.
- Nordberg, K., Polovodova, I., Gallagher, T.M., and Robijn, A., (2017) ‘Recent oxygen depletion and benthic faunal change in shallow areas of Sannäs Fjord, Swedish west coast,’ Journal of Sea Research. v. 127, p. 46-62.