Recent M.S. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations
Thesis and dissertation titles from 1967-1994 are available upon request from the Department of Earth Sciences. Please see our for news and updates on the careers and activities of our alumni.
More than 40 theses and dissertations of the Department of Earth Sciences are currently available to the public through the OhioLink ETD Center. Access the , from within the ÆÞÓÑÉçÇø Campus System.
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Stanevich, L. | Understanding biogeochemical linkages across a Cretaceous terrestrial-marine interface | Gallagher |
Loffer, Z. | Geology parts of the Cow Creek and Deep Creek 7.5 minute quadrangles, Garfield County, Utah: Implications for structural and deformational history of the mega-scale Sevier Gravity Slide | Hacker |
Farooq, N. | Prediction of Anthropogenic Macro-Debris and its Association with Geomorphology in US Urban Streams | Gallagher |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Bradley, J.M. | Role of Intra-Pore Geometry and Flow Rate on Length-Scales for the Transition of Non-Fickian to Fickian Contaminant Transport | Singh |
Hassan, Z. | Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change and Stormwater Management on the Flow Regime of Urban Streams: Case Studies of Cleveland, Ohio and Denver, Colorado | Singer |
Helmer, C. | Investigating Eutropication as a Driver of Methanogenesis in the Western Basin of Lake Erie | Tessin |
Helaney, E. | Distribution of Lead (Pb) and Other Trace Metal Concentrations in Soils from Akron, Ohio | Singer |
Lloyd, E. | How Sediment Size Heterogeneity Controls the Piping Potential: A Laboratory Study | Singh |
Miller, A. | Pore-Scale Sedimentary Structure, Pore-Size Distribution, and Flow Rate Control on the Emergence of the Hydrodynamic Dispersion Phenomenon | Singh |
Obi, V. | Investigating the Transition from Non-Fickian to Fickian Dispersion with Increasing Length and Flow Rate in Sand Packs: An Experimental Approach | Singh |
Reinhardt, A. | Seasonal and Environmental Influences on Soil O2 and CO2 Concentrations in Abandoned Mine Tailings | Gallagher |
Woodman, M. | Field-Validated Inter-Comparison of Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 OLCI Images to Assess Water Quality in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida | Ortiz |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor | |
Barczok, M. | Geochemical controls over phosphorus bioavailability as a function of redox sensitive iron oxides | Singer | |
Chowdhury, R | Geochemical Factors Affecting the Transport and Reactivity of Metas and Pyrite Colloids in Coal Mine Spoils | Singer | |
Hartzell, S. | Extinction and Survival of frog crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Raninoida) from the Early Cretaceous to the present | Schweitzer | |
Lewis, A. | Characterization and Provenance of Chert Stone Tools Recovered from Central and Northern Ohio | Williams | |
Maguire, E. | The effect of volcanic ash deposition on marine environments, invertebrate ecosystems and fossil preservation: integrating field observations and laboratory experiments | Feldmann | |
Miller, J.B. | Early Paleogene Brachyura and Sedimentology of the Kambühel Formation, Southern Austria | Schweitzer | |
Ranasinghe, S. | Remote Sensing Monitoring the Neuse River Estuary for Potential Water Quality Changes | Ortiz | |
Tashman, J. | Utilities of Extinct and Extant Marine Arthropod Cuticle | Feldmann | |
Thompson, D. |
| Feldmann | |
Tungate, J. | Systematic analysis of phyllocarid mandibles from the Mississippian Marshal Formation in Southern Michigan and the Late Devonian Silica Formation in Northwestern Ohio in the context of phyllocarid mandibles from throughout the continental United States | Feldmann |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Bahman, H. | Reevaluating the Miocene Mollusk Systematics, Little Cove Point Member, St. Marys Formation, and Examining their Paleoecology, Paleobiodiversity | Feldmann |
Cole, K. | Secondary Mineral Coating Formation and Metal Sequestration in Soils Developing From Mine Spoil Pre-and-Post Treatment With Lime | Singer |
Dyer, L. | Identifying marine magnetic anomalies using machine learning | Rowan |
Fu, C. | Global Paleomagnetic Data Analysis: Improved Methods of Reconstructing Plate Motions Using Paleomagnetic Data | Holm/Rowan |
Haas, A.M. | Utilizing Degree of Pyritization and Framboidal Pyrite to Compare Lake Deposits From the Modern Sluice Pond With the Ancient Marcellus Formation | Williams |
Rahman, FM A. | Using Satellite Observations to Assess Suspended Sediment, Algal and Cyanobacteria Composition in Lake Ontario | Ortiz |
Smart, K.E. | Exploring Physical and Chemical Trends in a Chronosequence of Technosols | Singer |
Smith, C.B. | Grain Size Analysis of a Precursor to a Flying spit in the Western Maumee Basin in NW Ohio, and Comparison to the Presque Isle Flying Spit | Wells |
Timmons, J. | Identifying the Isotopic Signature of Lake Effect Precipitation on the Northeast Ohio Isoscape | Jefferson |
Zemanek, L.M. | A Geochemical and Mineralogical Comparison of Soil Formation on Mine Spoil and Undisturbed Shale and Their Contributions to Pore Water, Huff Run Watershed, Ohio | Singer |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Muzemder, S. | Pore-Scale Geometry and Intra-Pore Tortuosity Controls on Flow Enhancement Due to Boundary Slip | Singh |
Olaoye, I. A | Water Quality Modeling of the Old Woman Creek Watershed, Ohio, Under the Influence of Climate Change to Year 2100 | Ortiz |
Ratnayake Mudiyanselage, K. | A Multi-Proxy Approach to Reconstruction of Holocene Climate Change: Evidence From Lake Erie Sedimentary Archives | Ortiz |
Reuter, K.J. | Experimental Taphonomy of Penaeid Shrimp: Analyses of Morphological Decay in Different Sedimentary Conditions and of Methodological Protocols | Schweitzer |
Santoro, N.D. | Lead (Pb) Speciation and Distribution Effects on Urban Neighborhoods in Akron, OH | Singer |
Tomin, M. | Hydroclimatic study of Pilo-Pleistocene aquatic sites in Meade County, Kansas | Smith |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Brown, K. | Groundwater-Stream Interactions and Water Quality of Former Dam Reservoirs in Northeast Ohio | Jefferson |
Buzulencia, H.C. | The Characterization and Survey of Inorganic Sulfur Redox Associated with Wetland Hydrological Fluctuations | Jefferson |
Delaney, R.K. | Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Collecting Discontinuity Orientation Data for Slope Stability Analysis: Two Case Studies From Virginia | Shakoor |
Duroe, K.A. | Iron Redox Cycling and Impacts on Phosphorus Solubility in Tundra and Boreal Ecosystems | Herndon |
Ice, B.W. | Reconstructing the Paleoclimate of the Middle Devonian Using Marcellus Shale Geochemical Signatures, Seneca Falls, NY | Williams |
Joliet, C.E. | The Effect of Gravel Content and Size on the Permeability of Sandy Soils | Shakoor |
Judice, T.J. | Detecting Color-Producing Pigments in the Indian River Lagoon by Remote Sensing | Ortiz |
Laubscher, S. | Manganese Uptake in Red Maple Trees in Response to Mineral Dissolution Rates in Soil | Herndon |
Lokre, C.V. | Effect of Density, Initial Water Content, Drying Temperature, Layer Thickness, and Plasticity Characteristics on Shrinkage Crack Development in Clay Soils: An Experimental Study | Shakoor |
Plauche, M.A. | Land Cover and Infrastructure Influences on Chloride and Nitrate Concentrations of Urban Streams in Northeast Ohio | Jefferson |
Simone, D.M. | Geochemistry and Provenance of Chert Stone Tools, Coshocton County, Ohio | Williams |
Wilsbacher, M.C. | Geological and Geochemical Analyses of the Custer Peak Igneous Intrusion, Black Hills, South Dakota | Hacker |
Yazbek, L.D. | Hydrogeochemical Factors Influencing Metal Transport and Transformation in a Stream Impaired by Acid Mine Drainage | Herndon |
Yost, S.L. | Paleocene Decapods, Survivor Taxa of the Kambuhel Formation, Lower Austria, and Their Relationship to Decapod Diversity Across the K/T Boundary | Feldmann |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Avouris, D.M. | Keeping an Eye on Lake Erie: Using Remote Sensing to Identify Characteristics of Harmful Algal Blooms | Ortiz |
Bahman, H. | Systematics and Paleoecology of Miocene Portunid and Cancrid Decapod Fossils from the St. Marys Formation, Maryland | Feldmann |
Blauch, G.A. | Abundance, Mobility, and Geomorphic Effects of Large Wood in Urban Streams | Jefferson |
Hunter, S.K. | Geologic and Paleomagnetic Study of the Miocene Haycock Mountain Tuff: Markagunt Plateau, Southwest Utah | Hacker |
Koons, R.C. | Discrepancy of Organic Richness Within the Oatka Creek and Union Springs of the Marcellus Formation | Williams |
Korte, D.M. | Landslide Distribution and Susceptibility, Material Properties, and Soil Loss Estimates for the Drift Creek Watershed (Siletz River), Lincoln County, Oregon | Shakoor |
Ruhm, C.T. | The Effects of Two Types of Reclamation on Abandoned Non-Coal Surface Mines in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio | Jefferson |
Shaw, M.E. | Concentration-Discharge Behavior of Contaminants in a Stream Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage | Herndon |
Sugano, L.L. | Comparing Bioretention Cell and Green Roof Performance in Parma, OH | Jefferson |
Wood, D.L. | Lime Treatment of Coal Mine Spoil Impacted Soils in the Huff Run Watershed of Northeast Ohio | Singer |
Yeakley, J.A. | Influence of Salt Tectonics on Seafloor Morphology From Algeria to Sardinia | Shakoor |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Harding, M. R. | A Geophysical Study of Upper Silurian Salina Group in Northeastern Pennsylvania | Rowan |
Poluga, S. L. | Rock Mass Characterization and Stability Evaluation of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Keystone, South Dakota | Shakoor |
Zeng, F | Holocene Environmental Evolution in the Yellow River Delta | Ortiz |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Bonini, N. | Assessing the Variability of Phytoplankton Assemblages in Old Woman Creek, Ohio | Ortiz |
Gerwitz, A. | Evaluating Potential Growth Strategies Using Bone Histology in Pleistocene-Holocene Odocoileus Virginianus (Mammalia) From Florida | Green |
Jacklitch, C.J. | A Geotechnical Investigation of the 2013 Fatal Rockfall in Rockville, Utah | Shakoor |
Jones, W. T. | A Taxonomic and Morphologic Assessment of Some Crustaceans and Crustacean-Like Problematica | Feldmann |
Malizia, J. P. | Effect of Water Content and Density on Strength and Deformation Behavior of Clay Soils | Shakoor |
Sudarsky, S. | A Phylogenetic Analysis of Fossil and Extant Shrimp-Like Decapods (Dendrobranchiata and Caridea) | Schweitzer |
Traub, E. L. | The Effects of Biogeochemical Sinks on the Mobility of Contaminants in an Area Affected by Acid Mine Drainage, Huff Run, Ohio | Singer |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Dirringer, S. W. V. | Landslide Inventory Mapping of the Drift Creek Watershed, Lincoln County, Oregon, Using Lidar Data | Shakoor |
Engle, K. J. | A Late Glacial-Early Holocene Paleoclimate Signal From the Ostracode Record of Twin Ponds, Vermont | Smith |
Jarden, K. M. | Assessing Hydrologic Impacts of Street-Scale Green Infrastructure Investments for Suburban Parma, Ohio | Jefferson |
Maguire, E.P. | Volcanic Ash as a Cause for Mass Kills of Decapod Crustaceans During the Miocene in Northern Patagonia | Feldmann |
Prvanovic, A. | Influence of Soil Joints on Permeability of Glacial Till | Shakoor |
Widanagamage, I. H. | Stable Strontium Isotope Fractionation in Abiotic and Microbially Mediated Barite in Modern Continental Settings | Griffith/Singer |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Brenner, A. R. | Determination of Baffin Bay Sediment Composition Variability and Provenance | Ortiz |
Glassmeyer, M. P. | Geological and Geotechnical Factors Responsible for Landslide Susceptibility of the Kope Formation in Cincinnati, Ohio | Shakoor |
Kornecki, K. | Cretaceous Confluence in the Coon Creek Formation (Maastrichtian) of Mississippi and Tennessee, USA: Taphonomy and Systematic Paleontology of a decapod Konservat-Lagerstätte | Feldmann |
Lyle, C. A. | Petrographical, Thermochronological, and Geochemical Analysis of Pan-African Age Metamorphic and Shear Zone Rocks in Western Ethiopia and Southern Sri Lanka | Holm |
Mathias, Jr., F. F. | A Plio-Pleistocene Record of Lacustrine Ostracodes From Butte Valley, California: Faunal Responses to Tectonic and Climatic Change | Smith |
Mihindukulasooriya, L. N. | A Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Paleolimnology and Paleoclimatic Variability Using Authigenic Lake Carbonates From Cleland Lake, British Columbia | Ortiz |
Onur, E. M. | Predicting the Permeability of Sandy Soils from Grain Size Distributions | Shakoor |
Reilly, D. A. | Identification of Local Ground Water Pollution in Northeastern Pennsylvania: Marcellus Flow-back or Not? | Jefferson and Singer |
Siriwardana, C.H.E.R., Ph.D. | Characterization of Paleoclimate and Marine Processes Associated with Late Pleistocene Glacial Sedimentation of the Chukchi Margin, Arctic Ocean | Ortiz |
Sload, E. J. | Microwear Analysis of Crab Claw Fingers: A Functional Morphological Approach | Feldmann |
Stepp, A. | Descriptions and Biodiversity of Decapods in the Seroe Domi Formation of Curaçao | Feldmann |
Tashman, J. N. | A Taxonomic and Taphonomic Analysis of Late Jurassic Horseshoe Crabs from Lagerstatte in Central Poland | Feldmann |
Tizzano, A. S. | A Geotechnical Investigation of the October 2011 Cedar City Landslide, Utah | Shakoor |
Wiles, S. G. | Nature and Mechanisms of Displacements at Wolf Creek Dam, Jamestown, Kentucky | Shakoor |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Atallah, N. W. | An Investigation of the Origin of Rock City and Cause of Piping Problems at Mountain Lake, Giles County, Virginia | Shakoor |
Bonini, N. | Comparison of VNIR Derivative and Visible Fluorescence Spectroscopy Methods for Pigment Estimation in an Estuarine Ecosystem: Old Woman Creek, Huron, Ohio | Ortiz |
Frantescu, A. L., Ph.D. | Comparative study of the Eocene fossil Decapod crustaceans of the North American Atlantic Coast and European Tethyan Provinces | Feldmann |
Frantescu, O. D., Ph.D. | Systematics, paleobiogeography, and paleoecology of Cretaceous Decapod faunas from northeast Texas | Feldmann |
Harrison, J. A. | A correlation of Western Arctic Ocean sedimentation during the Late Holocene with an atmospheric temperature proxy record from a glacial lake in the Brooks Range, Alaska | Ortiz |
Hull, A. L. | Geochronology and thermochronology of Precambrian basement drill core samples in Nebraska and southeastern South Dakota | Holm |
Jones, A. | Population Dynamics of Dakoticancer ovranus from the Pierre Shale, South Dakota. | Schweitzer |
Nwaodua, E. C. | Last Deglacial Arctic to Pacific Transgressions via the Bering Strait: Implications for Climate, Meltwater Source, Ecosystems and Southern Ocean Wind Strength | Ortiz |
Robins, C. M., Ph.D. | Systematics and phylogeny of the fossil Galatheoidea (Anomura, Decapoda): Uncovering their evolutionary path | Feldmann |
Waugh, D. A., Ph.D. | Utility of fossil cuticle morphology applied to the taphonomy and taxonomy of Decapod crustaceans | Feldmann |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Bloxon, J. M. | Characterization of the Porosity Distribution within the Clinton Formation, Ashtabula County, Ohio by Geophysical Core and Well Logging | Ortiz |
Enzweiler, K. | A Geotechnical characterization of the epikarst at the Clearwater dam site, Wayne County, Missouri | Shakoor |
Scheiner, S. W. | Refining Paleoproterozoic Sedimentary Sequence Boundaries in East-Central Minnesota, Carlton County: Implications for Source, Age, Correlations, and Tectonic Histories | Holm |
Aaron, G. L. | A geochemical and hydrologic comparison and assessment of acid mine drainage in glaciated and unglaciated eastern Ohio | Griffith |
Safai Jazi, R. | Simulation of groundwater flow system in Sand Lick Watershed, Boone County, West Virginia (numerical modeling approach) | Eckstein |
Klompmaker, A. A., Ph.D. | Mesozoic Decapod Diversity with an Emphasis on the Early Cretaceous (Albian) of Spain | Feldmann |
Gautam, T., Ph.D. | An Investigation of Disintegration Behavior of Mudrocks Based on Laboratory and Field Tests | Shakoor |
Cope, N. | Thermochronology and geochronology of the Otter Lake region, QC, Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province | Holm |
Seyoum, W. | Hydraulic Relationships Between Buried Valley Sediments and Adjacent Bedrock Formations | Eckstein |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Dalqamouni, A. Y., Ph.D. | Development of a Landslide Hazard Rating System for Selected Counties in Northeastern Ohio | Shakoor |
Ali, K.A., Ph.D. | Prediction of Water Quality Parameters from VIR Spectral Radiometry: Using Lake Erie as a Natural Laboratory for Analysis of Case 2 Waters | Ortiz |
Amey, K. S., Ph.D. | Hydrology And Predictive Model Of Headwater Streams And The Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions Supporting Brook Trout Habitat In Northeast Ohio | Smith |
Maharjan, M. | Interpretation of Domestic Water Well Production Data as a Tool for Detection of Bedrock Fractured Zones under Cover of the Glacial Formations in Geauga County, Ohio | Eckstein |
Widanagamage, I. H. | EMPA Dating of Monazite from High Grade Metamorphic Rocks along the Highland-Vijayan Boundary Zone, Sri Lanka | Holm |
Siriwardana, C. H. E. R. | Paleoclimatic characterization of Arctic Ocean Sediments around the Northwind Ridge using XRF and VNIR | Ortiz |
Wells, K. | Paleoecology of Beringian Lacustrine Deposits as Indicated by Northern Hemisphere Ostracode Biogeography | Smith |
Mehrotra, N. | Reconstructions of Holocene paleoclimate based on benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Soledad Basin | Ortiz |
Nowicki, L. A. | Engineering Geology Considerations for Re-alignment of Interstate 70/76 across the Landslide at New Baltimore, Somerset County, SW Pennsylvania | Shakoor |
Razzano, M. L. | Monitoring Algal Production in Akron Water Supply Reservoirs in Northeastern Ohio Using Satellite Imagery | Witter |
Fisher, J. E. | Collection and analysis of structural data for design of road cuts, I-81 expansion project, Virginia | Shakoor |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Admassu, Y., Ph.D. | Developing Design Methodology for Cut Slopes in Ohio | Shakoor |
Ranasinghe, P. N., Ph.D. | Holocene Coastal Development in Southeastern – Eastern Sri Lanka: Paleodepositional Environments and Paleo-coastal Hazards | Ortiz |
Dennison-Budak, C. W. | Ostracodes as Indicators of the Paleoenvironment in the Pliocene Glenns Ferry Formation, Glenns Ferry Lake, Idaho | Smith |
Hojnowski, J. C. | Tying Together Textures, Temperatures and Timing in the Western Tatra Mountains, Slovakia | Holm |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Fein, E. M. | Flow fabric determination of two Mesoproterozoic midcontinent rift dike swarms, northeastern Minnesota. | Holm |
Frantescu, O. D. | Brachyuran decapods (Including Five New Species and One New Genus) from Jurassic (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) Coral Reef Limestones from Dobrogea, Romania. | Feldmann |
Woodward, S. | Carbonate Sediment Deposition in the Village of Titiana from the Solomon Islands Tsunami of April 2, 2007 | Ortiz |
Ghosh, A. | Reconnaissance U-Pb Geochronology of Precambrian Crystalline Rocks in the Northern Black Hills, South Dakota: Implications for Regional Thermotectonic History | Dahl |
Wendlandt, N. | A Geotechnical Evaluation of the Launched Soil-Nailing Method of Landslide Stabilization in Summit County, Ohio | Shakoor |
Hark, J. S. | Zircon, monazit, and zenotime as provenance indicators in selected Precambrian crystalline rocks, Black Hills uplift, South Dakota | Dahl |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Robins, C. | Systematics of the Late Jurassic members of the superfamily Galatheoidea Samouelle, 1819, from the Ernstbrunn Limestone of Ernstbrunn, Austria. | Feldmann |
Vlack, Y. | A Diffuse Spectral Reflectance Library of Clay Minerals and Clay Mixtures within the VIS/NIR Bands. | Ortiz |
Griffin, J. A. | Development of a Rating Classification for Rock to be Used as Toe-Bench Material | Shakoor |
Jones, C. L. | U-Pb Geochronology of Monazite and Zircon in Precambrian Metamorphic Rocks from the Ruby Range, SW Montana: Deciphering Geological Events the Shaped the NW Wyoming Province | Dahl |
Weghorst, P. L. | Modis Algorithm Assessment and Principal Component Analysis of Chlorophyll Concentration in Lake Erie | Witter |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Balogun, A. | High Resolution Paleoclimatic Reconstruction of the Rose Run Formation of Eastern Ohio Using Diffuse Spectral Reflectance | Ortiz |
Crawford, R. S. | Paleoecological Analysis of Faunal Disparity Within a Constrained Horizon of the Monet Leon Formation, Early Miocene, Southern Argentina | Feldmann |
Nandi, A., Ph.D. | Factors Affecting the Frequency and Distribution of Landslides in Selected Counties of Northeast Ohio | Shakoor |
Rhenberg, E. C. | Biotic Interactions of Bivalves from the Late Cretaceous Coon Creek Type Section of McNairy County, Tennessee | Feldmann |
Wijekoon, N., Ph.D. | Spatial and Temporal Variability of Surface Cover in an Estuarine Ecosystem from Satellite Imagery and Field Observations | Ortiz |
Wilsbacher, M. C. | Reconstructing Past Climate of the Soledad Basin from Planktonic Foraminiferal Faunal Assemblages | Ortiz |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Gross, A. L. | Dating of Fine-Grained Monazite in Paleoproterozoic Shear Zones in Wisconsin and Northern Minnesota | Holm |
Hajdarwish, A., Ph.D. | Geologic Controls of Shear Strength Behavior of Mudrocks | Shakoor |
Jovanelly, T. J., Ph.D. | Tsunami Origin for an ~1100 year old enigmatic sand sheet in Lynch Voer, Puget Sound, Washington | Moore |
Ruffolo, R. M. | Variability of Unconfined Compressive Strength Measurements of Rock in Relation to the Number of Core Samples Tested | Shakoor |
Shirk, A. M. | A Novel Assemblage of Decapod Crustacea, From a Tithonian Coral Reef Olistolith, Purcareni, Romania: Systematical Arrangement and Biogeographical Perspective | Feldmann |
Stonier, P. J. | EMPA Dating of Monazite from Metaquartzites and Metapelites, Southern Wisconsin | Holm |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Arnold, B. J. | Paleomagnetic Study of Miocene Vertical Axis Rotations in the Pine Valley Mountains, Southwestern Utah | Holm |
Asim, Y. M., Ph.D. | Hydrochemical Characterization and Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Flow in a Part of the Himalayan foreland Basin | Eckstein & Dahl |
Clement, S. M., Ph.D. | Modeling the Pluvial Lakes of the Great Basin During the Last Glacial Maximum | Craig |
Cornell, D. A. | Structure, Stratigraphy, and Geologic History of the Southwest Half of the Pinto Quadrangle, Southwest Utah | Holm |
Loofboro, J. | Timing and Nature of Proterozoic Poly-Metamorphism in Central Wisconsin | Holm |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Andrews, D. C. | A Geotechnical and Geomorphological Investigation of Cuyahoga River Bank Erosion Within the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Northeastern Ohio | Shakoor |
Barefield, E. | Effect of Varying Degrees of Saturation on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Selected Sandstones | Shakoor |
Dokter, C. H. | Development of Rock Fall Hazard Potential Maps of State Route 7 Along the Ohio River, Using a Geographical Information System | Shakoor |
McKenzie, M. A. | Age Pattern and Nature of Late Paleoproterozoic Metamorphism of the Penokean Crust, East-Central Minnesota | Holm |
Morris, M. D. | A Geotechnical Characterization of the Pittsburgh Redbeds | Shakoor |
Shevlin, T. D. | A Geotechnical Evaluation of Lime Kiln Dust (Lime-Pozzolan) as a Stabilizing Agent for Highway Subgrades | Shakoor |
Tinsley, R. S. | A Geotechnical Investigation of the New Baltimore Landslide Along I-76 in Somerset County, Pennsylvania | Shakoor |
Woodard, M. J., Ph.D. | Development of a Rockfall Hazard Rating Matrix for the State of Ohio | Shakoor |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Miller, M. R. | An Investigation of Argon Retention Properties of K-Bearing Amphiboles, Southern Grenville Province, USA and Canada | Dahl |
O'Boyle, C. L. | Age Pattern and Nature of Metamorphism of Subterranes Along the Deformed Penokean Continental Margin, Northwest Wisconsin | Holm |
Roberts, J. M. | Risk Assessment for the Winkelpeck Burning Grounds within the Ravenna Army Ammunition Plant, Portage County, Ohio | Carlson |
Davis, J. W. | An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Catchment Ditches Along Ohio Roadways | Shakoor |
Snyder, J. L. | Improved Interpolation of Atmospheric Trajectories from General Circulation Model Windfields | Craig |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Cosma, T. N. | Late Tertiary Climate Variations Inferred from Ostracode Data, Anza-Borrego Desert, Southern California, USA | Smith |
McCombs, J. A. | Geochronology of Precambrian Basement and Adjacent Rocks, Black Hills, South Dakota | Dahl |
Waugh, D. | Analytical Cuticle Classification | Feldmann |
Martt, D. | A Geotechnical Investigation of the Sliding Failure of the Austin Dam, Potter County, Pennsylvania | Shakoor |
Amarasinghe, P. M. | A Geotechnical Investigation of the Anisotropy of Selected "Varve-like" Sediments | Shakoor |
Nyborg, T. G. | Fossil Decapod Crustaceans From the Early to Middle Miocene Astoria Formation, Washington and Oregon, USA | Feldmann |
McLean-Jones, C. | Ostracode Distribution and Hydrogeochemical Variability in a Fen Wetland | Smith |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Brooks, T. D. | Effects of Molding Water Content on the Engineering Properties of Compacted Soils | Shakoor |
Filkorn, H. F., Ph.D. | Early and Middle Cretaceous Corals from Southwestern Mexico | Feldmann |
Francisco, B. H. | A Geotechnical Evaluation of the Potential Use of Selected Waste Materials for Line Spoil Stabilization | Shakoor |
Greene, B. H., Ph.D. | Predicting the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Mudrocks for Design of Structural Foundations | Shakoor |
Muller, B. J. | Application of Spatial Analysis to Nonmarine Ostracode Distribution in North America | Smith |
Rauber, C. | A Geotechnical Investigation of the Altered Rock Material Adjacent to Joint Surfaces in Shale Rock at Selected Sites in Ohio, Northern West Virginia, and Western Pennsylvania | Shakoor |
Schweitzer, D. J. | The Origin, Extent, and Nature of Post-Tectonic Plutonism in the Hinterland Region of the Penokean Orogeny in East-Central Minnesota | Holm |
Smithmyer, A. J. | Storm-Induced Shallow Landslides in Colluvial Soils Along a Section of I-77, Ohio | Shakoor |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Drummond, J. M. | Effect of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Natural Organic Matter Chemistry in a Freshwater Wetland in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey | Maurice |
Aceves, A. B. | The Engineering Geology of Whiskey Island Marina, Cleveland, Ohio, with Special Attention to the Geotechnical Aspects of Dredged Sediment | Shakoor |
Haj, A. E. | A New Cuticular Micro-structure of Cretacoranina punctata (Decapoda), Texas | Feldmann |
Jones, D. M. | The Development of Complex Joints and Associated Infillings and Laterations in Two Late Paleozoic Formation in Ohio | Wells |
Khan, M. A. | An Investigation of Stress Relief Joints with Respect to Slope Stability Problems in Eastern Ohio | Shakoor |
Mancuso, C. | Thermal History of the Dunbar Dome and Peavy Node Areas of Northeastern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA | Holm |
Manwaring, M. D. | Effect of Calcium-Oxide in the Heave Potential of an Expansive Soil | Shakoor |
Schweitzer, C. E., Ph.D. | Systematics and Paleobiogeography of Fossil Decapod Crustaceans of the North Pacific Ocean | Feldmann |
Sundback, S. A. | Paleo-environmental Interpretation of the Eocene Green River Formation in Central Utah | Wells |
Timofeyeva, M. M., Ph.D. | Analysis and Modeling of the Stochastic Structure of Local Climate as a Downscaling Procedure from a General Circulation Model | Craig |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Hale, P. | The Effects of Cyclic Heating and Cooling, Wetting and Drying, and Freezing and Thawing on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Selected Sandstones | Shakoor |
Bacon, S. | Seasonal Constraints on Chemical Composition and Isotopic Ratios in Ostrocode Shells from Page Pond, Ohio. | Smith |
Manecki, M., Ph.D. | Reactions of Aqueous Pb(II) with Apatites | Maurice |
McFarland, B. | Mineralization in the Serpent Mound Disturbance and the Surrounding Region: An Investigation Using Sulfur Isotopes, Fluid Inclusions, and Trace Elements | Carlson |
Miller, T. | Development of an Automated Data Acquisition and Control Unit for the Pneumatic Oedometer | Shakoor |
Pomfrey, M | Argon Thermochronology of Metamorphic Biotite and Horneblende from the Adirondack Lowlands New York: Evidence for Post ~900 Ma Westward Tilting of a Slowly Cooled Grenville Terrane | Dahl |
Romano, D. | Thermochronologic and Microtextural Studies of Precambrian Rocks in Central and Northwestern Wisconsin | Holm |
Amati, L | A New Family of Decapod Crustaceans from the Western Margin of Pangea: Its Evolutionary and Paleobiogeographic Significance | Feldmann |
Konowal, M. | Terrestrial and Lacustrine Fluctuations Between the Colton and Green River Formations, Eocene, Central Utah | Wells |
Lee, Y. J. | Dissolution of Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides by an Aerobic Pseudomonas Bacteria: Effects of Crystal Morphology and Al Substitution | Maurice |
Lichtinger, J. | Effect of Bluff Toe Composition on Erosion Mechanisms at Selected Sites Along the Pennsylvanian Shores of Lake Erie | Shakoor |
Namjesnik-Dejanovic, K., Ph.D. | Conformations of Humic Substances and Their Sorption to Mineral Surfaces | Maurice |
Vierkorn, M. | Dissolution of Two Clay Minerals Society Standard Kaolinites by the aerobic Bacteria Pseudomonas Mendocina Var. | Maurice |
Zhou, Q., Ph.D. | Molecular Weight Fractionation of Humic Substances upon Sorption | Maurice |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Forsythe, J | Characterization of Biogeochemical Reactions Between Aerobic Pseudomonas Bacteria and Hydrous Fe(III) Oxides | Maurice |
Surrena, T | A Geotechnical Investigation of the Failure of the Upper Ivex Dam with Special Emphasis on the Engineering Properties of the Reservoir Sediments | Shakoor |
Hacker, D., Ph.D. | Catastrophic Gravity Sliding and Volcanism Associated With the Growth of Laccoliths: Examples From Early Miocene Hypabyssal Intrusions of the Iron Axis Magmatic Province, Pine Valley Mountains, Southwest Utah | Holm |
Chu, C. J., Ph.D. | A geotechnical investigation of the potential use of shredded scrap tires in soil stabilization | Shakoor |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Highman, T. | A Study of Soil Joints in Relation to Bluff Erosion along the Lake Erie Shoreline, Northeast Ohio | Shakoor |
Lower, S. | Pb Sorption by Hydroxylapatite; A Microscopic Spectroscopic and Diffraction Study | Maurice |
Salva, E. | The Systematic Study of Trichopeltarion Greggi and the Reevaluation of the family Atelecyclidae (Decapoda=Brachyura) | Feldmann |
Miller, L. | Investigation of the Hydrology and Geochemistry of the Brimfield-Tamarack Bog, Portage County, OH | Palmer |
Angelaki, V. | Evaluation of the Hydrometer and Sedigraph Methods for Size Analysis of Fine-Grained Materials | Shakoor/ Wells |
Matyjasik, M., Ph.D. | Surfactant-enhanced Remediation of Aquifers Contaminated by Ethylbenzene | Eckstein |
Carney, J. S. | The Use of Ostracodes and Environmental Isotopes as Indicators of Surface/Groundwater Interaction in Hays County, Central Texas | Smith |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Xu, M., Ph.D. | Investigation of the Relationships Between Dispersivity, Hydraulic Conductivity and Other Physical Properties of Porous Media | Eckstein |
Bonner, C. | Effect of Initial Water Content and Dry Density on the Swelling Potential of a Bentonitic Clay | Shakoor |
Kasim, M., Ph.D. | Relationship Between Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Degradation for Selected Rock Types | Shakoor |
Sinha, T. P. | A Field Test of the Muscovite-Biotite Mg-Al Geothermometer Exchange | Dahl |
Zhou, Qunhui | Surface Characteristics and Dissolution Kinetics of Two Standard Kaolinites | Maurice |
Kroenke, M. A | A Geotechnical Investigation of Three Landslide Complexes in the Moreland Hills Area, Cuyahoga County, OH | Shakoor |
Darrah, K. S. | An Exhumation History of the Internal Zone of the Early Proterozoic (1870-1830 MA) Penokean Orogenic Belt, Central MN | Holm |
McMasters, P. | Applicability of Phyllosilicate Geochemistry in Mesothermal Gold Exploration in the Precambrian Homestake Formation | Dahl |
Lewis, V | Modeling the Chemical Evolution of Acid Deposition Through the Unsaturated Zone of Urban's Knob at the USDA ARS Near Coshocton, Ohio | Eckstein |
Schweitzer-Hopkins, C. | Fossil Decapod Crustaceans of the Late Oligocene to the Early Miocene Pysht Formation and Late Eocene Quimper Sandstone, Olympic Peninsula, Washington | Feldmann |
Student | Thesis/Dissertation | Advisor |
Bonetti, J. E., Ph.D. | Evaluation of Colloid Facilitated Transport of Chromium Through Saturated Porous Media Using Column Experiments | Eckstein |
Bhaduri, B. L. | An Empirical Evaluation of the Pollutant Trapping Efficiency of a Stormwater Retention Basin with Respect to Phosphorous and Selected Heavy Metals | Maurice |
Gutowski, R. T. | Numerical Model of the Fresh Water Lenses on North Andros Island, Bahamas | Eckstein |
Schneider, D. | Comparison of Early Proterozoic Postcollisional Tectonothermal Histories of the Watersmeet and Republic Districts, Upper Peninsula of Michigan: Implications for the Origin of Gneiss Domes and Metamorphic Nodes | Holm |
Puller, J.C. | A Study of Fossil Ostracoda from Elkwater Lake, Alberta: Lake Response to Late Holocene Climate Changes | Smith |
Tucker, A. B., Ph.D. | A Systematic Evaluation of Fossil Raninidae from the Twin River Group, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, and a Re-examination of the Raninidae | Feldmann |