Accessible Version of "What is Kent State Technology"

For the purposes of this document, SSD refers to the digital product, whether solution, system or device. 

Question 1: Can a KSU business unit or KSU end user use or access the SSD on a computer, tablet, phone, kiosk, or other unit with a digital screen?

Examples include all hardware, software, digital documents, applications, self-contained units, a network-connected copier or one with a screen, and a mobile application that a KSU student or personnel is required or incentivized to interact with

If yes, the SSD is considered Kent State Technology (for the purpose of DoIT review).
If no, move to Question 2.

Question 2: Does the SSD track information that you or the end user will access as part of the service/use?  

Examples include a Door/lock system that is monitored on a computer or smart device BY KSU personnel, Locker system where contents/use are monitored on a computer or smart device BY KSU personnel, Bike or car-sharing system NOT operated by a KSU personnel but with a mobile app that end users must interact with, or Inventory or customer management system.

If yes, the SSD is considered Kent State Technology (for the purpose of DoIT review).
If no, move to Question 3.

Question 3: Is the SSD used to transmit data to or from a KSU system OR does it need to connect to the KSU network?

Examples include a product to track vaccine status of KSU students/staff where the only KSU personnel interaction is a report generated by the vendor BUT the status is tracked by KSU ID#; Learning tool integration (LTI)- an external service used within KSU-owned Canvas or Blackboard; Time clock service that users can only punch in/out while logged in to the KSU network.

If yes, the SSD is considered Kent State Technology (for the purpose of DoIT review).
If no, move to Question 4.

Question 4: Can the SSD be described as hardware/parts/accessories used to operate a computer, phone system, educational tool, audio/visual system?

Examples include a physical clicker used to operate a classroom voting or assessment system, Microphone or camera used in classroom, Cables or cords to connect computers or phones.

If yes, the SSD is considered Kent State Technology (for the purpose of DoIT review).
If no, the SSD is not considered Kent State Technology (for the purpose of DoIT review).