Paul A. Farrell
Paul Farrell is an Emeriti Faculty member of Computer Science, 妻友社区. Paul received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in the field of Numerical Computation and Analysis from , Dublin, Ireland in 1978 and 1983 respectively. He was a Lecturer at the Dublin Institute of Technology (1983-1985) before joining 妻友社区 as an assistant professor of Computer Science in 1985. While at the Dublin Institute of Technology, he was supported by the European Community, under a industry/university co-operation grant on semi-conductor device simulation. In 1986, he was a guest of the Soviet Academy of Sciences for a two week visit. In addition he is an associate member of the Institute for Computational Mathematics and a member of the IMACS Technical Committee on Partial Differential Equations.
He is currently Chair of Faculty Senate, and has served as Vice-Chair of Faculty Senate, Chair of the University Council on Technology, Assistant Chair of the Computer Science Department, Systems Coordinator for the Computer Science Department, Applications Coordinator for Internet II for Kent State and Director of Electronic Publications for Institute for Numerical Computation and Analysis (), in addition to membership of University and Department Committees. He has acted as a consultant to the United Nations Development Program and to the Irish Higher Education Development Cooperation Organization (HEDCO).
His research interests include parallel and distributed computation, cluster computing, computational steering, scientific visualization, high speed networking, numerical computation and algorithms, application of numerical methods to singularly perturbed differential equations, semi-conductor devices, Navier-Stokes equations, and liquid crystal problems, scientific visualization, automatic code generation for parallel architectures, application of expert systems in numerical computing, and mathematical text processing. He is a member of , the , , and the Institute for Numerical Computation and Analysis (INCA).
He has published a research monograph and in excess of 65 papers. He has been Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator on 7 NSF grants, as well as grants from the Ohio Board of Regents and the Ohio Department of Development.
More information on his research and class materials are available on his and the web page of his research group DiSCoV - the Distributed Scientific Computation and Visualization group.
Ph.D. in Numerical Computation and Analysis, Trinity College, 1983
Cluster Computing
Computational Steering
Scientific Visualization
High Speed Networking
Numerical Computation and Algorithms
Singularly Perturbed DIfferential Equations
Semi-Conductor Devices
Navier-Stokes Equations
Parallel Architectures