Ali Abdul-Aziz, Ph.D., P.E.
Dr. Ali Abdul-Aziz is an administrator for the Materials Research Lab.
Applied general engineering practice in taking on duties in Management, and leadership roles and research, nondestructive evaluation (NDE), quality assurance, experimental testing, safety and compliance. Excellent background in materials characterizations and composites, structural analysis, finite element, experimentation and computer applications.
Professional Experience & Career Hightlights
Current activities
- Involve in developing laboratory classes which includes interacting with educational resources and vendors to acquire needed equipment and instrumentation that are in line with the curriculum offering.
- Assist in updating the current course road map of the Aerospace Program by offering advice, input and changes on the course syllabi and course descriptions to fulfill requirements of ABET Accreditation.
- Providing research support under a NASA Glenn Research Center funded contract; The focus of this project is the identification and development of structural health monitoring techniques related to conducting spin experiments on subscale turbine engine rotor like disks and performing analytical calculations to verify and correlate test results into meaningful relations in attempt to develop physics based model for crack detections methodology and support the need for advanced on-board detection & health monitoring. In addition, this task is to cover the work associated with the checkout, calibration, installation, and operation of the capacitive blade tip clearance and optical blade tip timing probes (light probes) required for the Boundary Layer Ingestion Test Program that is scheduled to occur in late FY2016.
Duel Post as Senior Research scientist, August 1985-August 2016
NASA Glenn Research Center, Optics and Photonics Branch, Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 1999-August 2016.
- Senior Research Associate, Ohio Aerospace Institute-NASA Glenn Research center, Cleveland, Ohio. Jan. 1998- Sept. 1999
- Senior Project Engineer, NASA Glenn Research Center/NYMA, Inc. Jan. 1994-Dec. 1997
- Senior Research Engineer, NASA Glenn Research Center/Sverdrup Technology, Inc. Aug.1988-Dec. 1993
- Part-time Faculty, College of Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio. Jan. 1986- March. 1991
Professional Activities, Management & Technical Leadership
Project Engineer
Wind Tunnel project responsible for the Boundary Layer Ingesting Inlet –Distortion Tolerant Fan (BLI2DTF) and spin rig testing support. Duties includes products design-ordering and identifying test phases, data collection, data analyses. Accountable for light and blade cap probes calibration, installation, functionalities and operation. Control project plan by reviewing design, specifications, and plan and schedule changes; recommending action. Confirms product performance by conducting tests.
Lead Research Scientist responsible for overseeing activities in the Rotordynamics Spin Rotor Test Facilities
Conducted applied research and supervise precision controlled spin tests that can facilitate the application of various sensing technologies for in situ detection of rotor damage. It included performing systematic evaluations of crack detection techniques through the implementation of highly controlled crack initiation and growth tests on subscale spinning rotors up to 46 cm (18 in.) and 15000 rpm under centrifugal force and motion mechanics loads. Collecting, analyzing and evaluating test data, update, improve maintain data acquisition system, develop supportive analytical finite models for studying deformation behavior of the disk in undamaged and damaged (i.e., notched) states. Assess potential for detecting damage based on virtual and experimental data.
Computer Expertise
Experience in most scientific computer software, such as, Sigma Plot, Microsoft Office, Windows etc…and Computer operating systems such as, UNIX, and PC's. Hand on knowledge and experience in using MARC, ANSYS Workbench finite element code, Solidworks, MSC/PATRAN Graphics, to Pre and Post Process finite element models for various geometries. Experience with ScanIP/FE image processing software, familiar with LabVIEW National Instruments.
Teaching Experience
- Part-Time Faculty (1/86 to 12/91): College of Engineering, Department of Engineering Technology, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio. Courses Taught: Thermodynamics I and II, Heat Transfer, Thermal Environmental Engineering
- Research and Teacher Assistant (6/80 to 8/85): Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio
- Research assistant (1/82-6/85) worked under a cooperative agreement between NASA and Cleveland State University at the Fuel Cells Laboratory. Developed and designed an experimental research project to investigate the applicability of various cooling systems in phosphoric acid fuel cell power plants.
Mentoring and Partnering
- Actively involved in mentoring summer students including both college and high School students, as well as summer faculty fellows.
- Served on Awards, editorial committees (ASNT), software assurance, program committee and communications teams for International Society of Optical Engineers (SPIE) conferences.
- Held duties that included supervise visiting graduate interns from universities, direct, and set up work plans.
- Interacted-directed visiting universities faculty members and collaborated on conducting combined research activities.
- Planed seminars, Organized, chair technical sessions, setup discussion groups for presenting and reporting relevant findings.
- Additional assignments included evaluating research proposals and reviewing technical papers as well as directing visiting universities scholars.
Facilities Construction
Designed, constructed, and managed Spin laboratory at NASA.
Certifications, Honors and Additional Professional Activities
- Elected as Member Expert peer reviewer, The European Commission of Research and Innovation; Brussels, Belgium, April 2015-present
- Professional Engineer License, State of Ohio Seal # E-52686
- Fellow, American Society Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
As a principal investigator, received numerous awards throughout career, won 4 International Journal and branch articles of the year, recognition, appreciation, excellence, etc.
- Published over 170 articles/papers/NASA Technical Memorandum/Conference Proceedings, lectures, etc.)
- Presented at the SPIE conference in Portland, Oregon on March 27, 2017.
Other duties pertaining to supporting research programs
Selected List: March 1999-present
- Aeronautical Science
- Intelligent Vehicle Health Monitoring (IVHM)
- Aviation Safety Program (AVSP).
- Striling Engine Technology and Heater Head Design
- High Operating Temperature Propulsion Components (HOTPC)
- Revolutionary Aero propulsion Concepts (RAC)
- Flywheel Energy Storage (FES), Reusable space launch (RLSV)
- High Temperature Structural Testing and Analytical Modeling Of Advanced Composite Materials
- High Speed Research Program (HSR)
- Enabling Propulsion Materials (EPM).
- Ultra Engine Efficient Technology (UEET)
- Space Shuttle Main Engine Durability (SSME)
- Hot Section Engine Technology (HOST)
Grants, Contracts, Awards
NASA Research Announcement (NRA): NNC07ZRP001N (Research and Technology Directorate), “Optical Instrumentation, Non-Destructive Evaluation, High Temperature Materials and Structures and Numerical Modeling for Advanced Aerospace Application”, July 2007-December 31, 2012. Total Amount Awarded $1,303,000.00
Co-Investigator with Professor S.N. Tewari; Awarded NASA Grant under announcement NNH06ZEA001N-Sup; Entitled” Impact Resistant Barrier Coatings for Si-Based Ceramics, SiC and Si2N4” January 2007-December-2009. Total amount awarded $619,608.00
Editorialship & Editorial Activities
- Associate Technical Editor, Editorial Board of the American Society of Non Destructive Testing (ASNT), Journal of Materials Evaluation, April 2006-present
- SPIE; international society for optics and photonics; Visiting Lecturer, April 2011-Present;
- Guest Technical Editor, January 2008, for the Journal of Materials Evaluation, Sponsored a Special Focus Issue on “Finite Element Analysis and NDT”, Volume 66-Issue 1, January 2008
Honors, Activities, Organizations
- Reviewer Recognition Certificate, Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier publications, September 27, 2016
- Received NASA Vehicle Integrated Propulsion Research (VIPR3) Project Group Achievement Award, August 31st, 2016
- Awarded Outstanding Reviewer Status! You are awarded this status as you are in the top 10th percentile in terms of the number of reviews completed for Journal of Composites Part B in the past two years. Elsevier publications, May 2015
- Awarded the prestigious membership grade “ASNT Fellow”, The America Society of Non Destructive Evaluation, April 2015
- Optics and Photonics Branch Paper of the year award, 2014
- Letter Of recognition, Materials Evaluation, November 2010
Patents/NASA Tec briefs
Ali Abdul-Aziz et al., NASA Case Number: LEW-18758-1, Titled: “Integrating Multiple Data-Driven Anomaly Detection Techniques with Real Test Data from a Spinning Turbine Engine Like Rotor;“ selected for publication in NASA’s Tech Briefs magazine, May 2, 2011
MS. Mechanical Engineering, Cleveland State University, Ohio, Dec. 1981
BS. Mechanical Engineering, Cleveland State University, Ohio, Dec. 1980
- Ali Abdul-Aziz *, Adam C. Wroblewski; Durability Analysis and Experimental Validation of Environmental Barrier Coating (EBC) using Combined Digital Image Correlation and NDE” Invited Paper. Special Issue "Five Years of Coatings: Coatings Science and Techn
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Dan Arble, Mark. R. Woike; “Analytical Modeling and Data Acquisition Software Development for Rotor Dynamics Testing in Spin Laboratory”; SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring; 28 March 2017
- Abdul-Aziz Ali, Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, Joseph E. Grady;” Durability Modeling Review of Thermal and Environmental Barrier Coated Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites”, Journal of Advanced Materials and Structures Volume 22, Issue 12, 2015, http://dx.d
- Gustave Fralick; A. Abdul-Aziz, M. R. Woike; “Progress of a cross-correlation based optical strain measurement technique for detecting radial growth on a rotating disk”. 61st International Instrumentation Symposium 11-14 May 2015. Huntsville, AL USA.
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Mark R. Woike, Michelle Clem and George Baaklini; “Engine Rotor Health Monitoring; an Experimental Approach to Fault Detection and Durability Assessment”; SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation & Health Monitoring
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Adam C. Wroblewski, Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, Martha H. Jaskowiak, Daniel Gorican and Richard W. Rauser; “Assessment of NDE methods for detecting cracks and damage in environmental barrier coated CMC tested under tension”. SPIE/Smart Structure
- M. R. Woike and Ali Abdul-Aziz; ”Noncontact Sensor Technology for Propulsion Health Monitoring”, Journal of Materials Evaluation, Volume 72, No. 10, October 2014.
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Mark R. Woike, Michelle Clem and George Baaklini; ”Turbine Engine Rotor Health Monitoring Evaluation by means of Finite Element Analyses & Spin Tests Data”; SPIE/Smart Structures & Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation & Health Monitoring
- Mark R. Woike, Michelle Clem, Ali Abdul-Aziz; “Structural Health Monitoring on Turbine Engines Using Microwave Blade Tip Clearance Sensors,” SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring; 10-14 March 2014; San Diego
- Michelle Clem, Mark R. Woike, Ali Abdul-Aziz;” Progress of a cross-correlation based optical strain measurement technique for detecting radial growth of a rotating disk”; SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitorin
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Ali Najafi, Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, Joseph E. Grady ;”Test Validation of Environmental Barrier Coating (EBC) Durability and Damage Tolerance Modeling Approach”; SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Moni
- Ali Abdul-Aziz and Mark R. Woike; ”Turbine Rotor Disk Health Monitoring Assessment Based on Sensor technology and Spin Tests Data”; Journal of Scientific World; Special Issue on Structural Health Monitoring and NDE Technologies for Aerospace Applications;
- Mark R. Woike and Ali Abdul-Aziz; “Health Monitoring and Flaw Detection System Development for Turbine Engine Rotating Components”; Journal of Materials Evaluation, Volume 71, No. 4, pp. 167-175, May 2013.
- Mark R. Woike, Michelle M. Clem, Ali Abdul-Aziz; “Evaluation Microwave Blade Tip Clearance Sensor for Propulsion Health Monitoring”; The 59th International Instrumentation Symposium (ISA), Cleveland, Ohio, 13-17 May, 2013.
- Michelle M. Clem, Mark R. Woike, Ali Abdul-Aziz ;”Progress of a cross-correlation based optical strain measurement technique for detecting radial growth on a rotating disk”; The 59th International Instrumentation Symposium (ISA): Cleveland, Ohio; 13-17 Ma
- Philippe Young, Kerim Genc, Ali Abdul-Aziz; “3D IMAGE BASED MODELLING FOR MATERIALS APPLICATIONS”; the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) 2013 Supplemental Proceeding; MARCH 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, Texas.
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Mark R. Woike and George Y. Baaklini, ”Turbine Engine Rotor Health Monitoring and Durability Evaluation Using Spin Tests Data”; Proceedings SPIE Smart materials and NDE symposium, March 2013, San Diego, California.
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Joseph Arias, Frank Abdi, Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, Joseph E. Grady and D. Zhu; “Environmental Barrier Coating (EBC) Durability Modeling Using a Progressive Failure Analysis Approach Part II”; Proceedings SPIE Smart materials and NDE symposium
- Michelle M. Clem, Mark R. Woike, Ali Abdul-Aziz; “Investigation of a Cross-Correlation Based Optical Strain Measurement Technique for Detecting Radial Growth on a Rotating Disk”; Proceedings SPIE Smart materials and NDE symposium, March 2013, San Diego, C
- Mark Woike, Ali Abdul-Aziz, Michelle Clem and Gustave Fralick;”Optical Strain Measurements on a Rotating Disk”; Proceedings SPIE Smart materials and NDE symposium, March 2013, San Diego, California.
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, D.J. Roth, R. Cotton, George F. Studor and Eric Christian and P.C. Young; “Material Characterization and Geometric Segmentation of a Composite Structure Using Microfocus X-Ray Computed Tomography Image-Based Finite Element Modeling”; Journ
- Mark Woike, Gustave Fralick, Ali Abdul-Aziz, John Wrbanek, David Spry ; ”Further Investigation of a Moiré Based Crack Detection Technique on a Simulated Turbine Engine Disk”; International Society of Automation (ISA) IIS Symposium 2012, 4-8-June 2012, La
- A. Abdul-Aziz, Mark. R. Woike, Nikunj. C. Oza, Bryan. L. Matthews, “Integrating Multiple Data-Driven Anomaly Detection Techniques with Real Test Data from a Spinning Turbine Engine Like Rotor”, NASA TECH BRIEFS, Volume 36, issue 10, pp. 50, September 2012
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Mark R. Woike, John D. Lekki and George Y. Baaklini;” Development of a Flaw Detection/Health Monitoring Scheme for Turbine Engine Rotating Components”; Proceedings Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monit
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Galib Abumeri, Mohit Garg, William Troha, Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, Joseph E. Grady and D. Zhu; “Environmental Barrier Coating (EBC) Durability Modeling Using a Progressive Failure Analysis Approach” , Proceedings Smart Structures and Material
- Mark Woike, Ali Abdul-Aziz, Gus Fralick, John Wrbanek; “Investigation of a Moiré Based Crack Detection Technique for Propulsion health monitoring; Proceedings Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring; March 11-15, S
- Abdul-Aziz, Ali, and Ramakrishna T. Bhatt;”Modeling of Thermal Residual Stress in Environmental Barrier Coated Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites”; Journal of Composite Materials May 2012 vol. 46 no. 10, pp. 1211-1218
- A. Abdul-Aziz, “Rotor health monitoring combining spin tests and data-driven anomaly detection methods”, Journal of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2012
- Ali Abdul-Aziz and Ramakrishna T. Bhatt ;”Modeling of thermal residual stress in environmental barrier coated fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites”; Journal of Composite Materials, Volume 46, Issue 10, May 2012 pp. 87 - 94
- A. Abdul-Aziz; “Propulsion Health monitoring system Development and Instrumentation” Final Report Presentation; 19th Annual NNWG Workshop, White Sands Test Facility, White Sands, NM, February 7-8, 2012
- A. Abdul-Aziz; “EBC Durability Modeling and Damage Mechanisms”, Presentation; Structures and Materials Division Workshop, Guerin House, NASA GRC; Cleveland, Ohio January 5, 2012
- A. Abdul-Aziz, R. T. Bhatt, J. E. Grady and Dongming Zhu; “Environmental Barrier Coating (EBC) Durability Modeling; An Overview and Preliminary Analysis”. Proceedings, The American Ceramic Society, Materials Science & Technology 2011 Conference & Exhibiti
- Gustave Fralick, Mark Woike, Ali Abdul-Aziz, John Wrbanek, and James Bodis; “The Use of a Moiré Based Crack Detection Technique on a Simulated Turbine Engine Disk”; 57th International Instrumentation Symposium, Proceedings ISA Volume 488, St Louis, MO, US
- D. J. Roth, Ali Abdul-Aziz, J. N. Gray; “X-Ray Inspection Simulations For The Interior Skin-To-Flange Weld For The NASA ARES Rocket Segment”; Journal of Materials Evaluation, Vol. 69, No. 6, June 2011
- A. Abdul-Aziz, R. T. Bhatt, J. E. Grady and Dongming Zhu; “Environmental Barrier Coating (EBC) Durability Modeling; An Overview and Preliminary Analysis”. Materials Science & Technology, 2011 Conference & Exhibition, October 16-20, 2011, Columbus, Ohio
- J. Lekki, A. Abdul-Aziz, G. Adamovsky, D. Berger, G. Fralick, A. Gyekenyesi, G. Hunter, R. Tokars, M. Venti, M. Woike, J. Wrbanek, S. Wrbanek; “Sensors and Rotordynamics Health Management Research for Aircraft Turbine Engines”; Presentation; NASA Aviation
- Ross T. Cotton, Ali Abdul-Aziz, Philippe G. Young ;”NDT Of A Composite Using MicroCT Data And Image-Based Finite Element Modeling”; The Open Access NDT Database, www.ndt.net/id=10703, Online Workshop: NDT&E of Composite Materials - CompNDT 2011, May 2011
- A. Abdul-Aziz, Mark. R. Woike, Nikunj. C. Oza, Bryan. L. Matthews and John D. lekki,” Rotor Health Monitoring Combining Spin Tests and Data Driven Anomaly Detection Methods”, Journal of Structural Health Monitoring, SAGE Journals Online at http://mcu.sage
- NDE NASA Working Group (NNWG) Conference; “Propulsion Health monitoring system Development and Instrumentation”; Program Progress presentation, February 18, 2011
- Don J. Roth, Richard W. Rauser, Roger Tokars, Randy Bowman, Ivan Locci , Ali Abdul-Aziz “Heater Head Non Destructive Investigation (NDI)”; Presentation, Striling Engine Program-NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, January 2011
- A. Abdul-Aziz, R. T. Bhatt, D. Fox;”EBC Durability Modeling and Damage Mechanisms”. NASA Environmental Barrier Coating (EBC) Workshop, Cleveland, Ohio, February 2, 2011
- D. J. Roth, R.W. Rauser, A. Abdul-Aziz, R. Cotton, E. Burke, S. Zhang,, M. Marsh, B.A. Davis, and G.F. Studor; “Recent Improvements In Analysis And Display Of NDE Data At NASA”, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation ( QNDE) Conference, San Diego, Califor
- Woike, M., “Demonstration of a Microwave Blade Tip Clearance Sensor” Presented at the 55th ISA Instrumentation Symposium, Richmond, Virginia, June 2010
- Mark. R. Woike, A. Abdul-Aziz, “Fault Detection Experiments on Simulated Turbine Engine Disks” International Society of Automation (ISA), the 56th International Instrumentation Symposium, Rochester, New York, 10-14 May 2010
- Woike, M.R., A. Abdul-Aziz and Tim Bencic ;”A Microwave Blade Tip Clearance Sensor for Propulsion Health Monitoring”, Aviation Safety Program Technical Conference ,Nov. 17-19, 2009, Washington D.C.; AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2010, April 20 – 22, 2010, Atlan
- A. Abdul-Aziz, Mark R. Woike, John D. Lekki and George Y. Baaklini; ”Development of a Flaw Detection/Health Monitoring Scheme for Turbine Engine Rotating Components”; Presented at the AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2010, April 20 – 22, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia. AI
- Mark R. Woike and Ali Abdul-Aziz; “A Microwave Blade Tip Clearance Sensor for Propulsion Health Monitoring”; Presented at the AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2010, April 20 – 22, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
- Benedict S. Curatolo and A. Abdul-Aziz “Improving Data Collection And Analysis Interface For The Data Acquisition Software Of The Spin Lab At NASA Glenn”, Presented at the AFRL, NASA conference with HBCU/MI historically black colleges and Universities/Min
- Ben S. Curatolo and A. Abdul-Aziz; “Improving Data Collection and Analysis Interface for the Crack Detection Spin Lab at NASA Glenn”; Poster Presentation, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Summer Interns Workshop, Cleveland, Ohio, August 2010
- Abdul-Aziz, A. “Strain-Tolerant Self-Sensing Environmental Barrier Coatings for SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites and Si3N4 Ceramics”. Presentation, Supersonics Annual and Final NRA Reviews - LDE, HAE, SCE-P, AN, Ohio Aerospace Institute, Cleveland, Ohio,
- A. Abdul-Aziz, Mark Woike, Nikunj Oza, Bryan Mathews and George Baaklini “Propulsion Health Monitoring Of a Turbine Engine Disk Using Spin Test Data”; Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring; 16th Annual Internatio
- Mark R. Woike and Ali Abdul-Aziz “Crack Detection Experiments on Simulated Turbine Engine Disks in the Glenn Research Center’s Rotordynamics Laboratory”; AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting to be held January 4-7, 2010 in Orlando, Florida
- A. Abdul-Aziz, Mark R. Woike, John D. Lekki and George Y. Baaklini; ”Development of a Flaw Detection/Health Monitoring Scheme for Turbine Engine Rotating Components”; Proceedings the AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2010, Paper, AIAA 2010-3329, April 20 – 22, 2010
- Mark R. Woike and Ali Abdul-Aziz; “A Microwave Blade Tip Clearance Sensor for Propulsion Health Monitoring”; proceedings the AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2010, Paper-AIAA 2010-3308, April 20 – 22, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
- Mark Woike, Ali Abdul-Aziz and Tim Bencic; ”A Microwave Blade Tip Clearance Sensor for Propulsion Health Monitoring, Aviation Safety Program Technical Conference ,November 17-19, 2009, Washington D.C.
- A. Abdul-Aziz; “Computational Software Applications in NDT” Journal of Materials Evaluation, December 2009, Vol. 67, Issue 12
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Mark Woike, John Lekki and George Y. Baaklini;” Health Monitoring of a Rotating Disk Using a Combined Analytical-Experimental Approach”, NASA Technical Memorandum, NASA/TM-2009-215675, September 2009
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, G. Abumeri, Mark Woike and George Baaklini; ”NDE Using Sensor Based Approach to Propulsion Health Monitoring Of A Turbine Engine Disk” , Proceedings SPIE Smart Structure/NDE, 8-12 March 2009, San Diego, California
- Abdul-Aziz Ali, Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, “Modeling Thermal Residual Stress in Environmental Barrier Coated Silicon Nitride”, The American Ceramic Society 33rd International Conference And Exposition On Advanced Ceramics And Composites; Symposium 2: Advanced
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, Sreeramesh Kalluri, and David L. Krause “Long Term Creep Behavior of Materials used for Stirling Convertors under In-Plane Biaxial Loading Conditions “, AIAA, 6th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), AIAA 2008-57
- Ali Abdul-Aziz, G. Abumeri, Mohit Garg, and P. G. Young; “Structural Evaluation of a Nickel Base Super Alloy Metal Foam Via NDE and Finite Element”; SPIE/Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring; Behavior and Mechan