Special Course in Plant Biology 2017: BSCI 4/5/70195 (3 credits)
Plant Physiological Ecology: Field Methods
At the Holden Arboretum and 妻友社区, May 22 - June 9, 2017
COURSE OBJECTIVE: Plants must maintain proper hydration in order to perform basic cellular
functions, but operational water status can vary across plant tissues, across soil types or across plant
species. There are a number of different techniques to measure plant water status, each with their
own benefits and challenges. We will examine a variety of Rhododendron species in a common
garden at the Holden Arboretum. We will compare water status of flowers and leaves using three
different methods: relative water content, water potential, and turgor loss. Students will collect,
analyze, and present data during the course.
COURSE FORMAT: The course will be 3 credits (lecture+field experience). It will be irregularly
scheduled to accommodate field measurements at Holden Arboretum, including some that must be
taken pre-dawn.
Dr. David Ward 妻友社区
Dr. Andrea Case 妻友社区
Dr. Juliana Medeiros Holden Arboretum
HOW TO ENROLL: Interested students should contact Dr. Andrea
Case (acase@kent.edu) or Dr. David Ward (dward21@kent.edu) for
additional information. The deadline to enroll is May 22. Both
undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to participate.