Alumni Brick Wall of Support
In the early 90's, alumni and friends purchased bricks to support the renovation and expansion of the former Curtiss House, which was later named the Williamson Alumni Center, in order to provide a new space on campus for alumni to gather. Though the home for the Alumni center has since moved, Kent State would like to recognize the dedicated alumni and friends who supported the project through inscribed bricks.
Browse through names of alumni and friends who purchased bricks for themselves or to honor beloved individuals in their lives.
Alumni Brick Wall Honorees (by Last Name A-D)
Jerry W. Ackerman '69 Masters of Business Administration
Fredric J. Aichele '65
Ruth Snyder Aikey Class of 1943
William '68 & Margaret '69 Akerstrom
Andrew J. and Betty Jo Alboreo '86
William M. Alexander '62
John '64 & Diane '73 Allensworth
Alpha Chi Omega Gamma Lambda Chapter 1950-1973
Paul '55, '60 and Pat Amodio
Robert C. Amstadt, Business Adm Class '53, Gates Mills, Ohio
Robert M. Archer '61
William '66 and Leslee '74 Asbury
Ruth Rhydderch Aster '62 & Ferdinand (Ferdl) Aster, Peace & Blessings to All
Ray '67 & Patricia '68 Attwell
In Memoriam, Mary B. Averill '43, Arts & Sciences Council
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Babcock III and Family
Daniel A. Badran '86
Jon T. & Jo Magnani Baker 1974
Susan Panik Wrynn '54 & Lauren Sue Baker '91
Delta Upsilon, In Memory of David W. Baldwin
Richard M. and Alice Clutterbuck Baldwin '61
Frank Ballo 1952
Carol Gould Barbe '58, '64
Hal '48 & Janice K. '48 Barden
Kathleen F. Barnett '73
Patricia Carter Barrett '65, '82
William C. Barrett '54, Alumni Editor
Charles H. Barricklow Jr. '51
Bernadine Zamary Barrow '59
James W. Barrow '55
Daisy C. Baskerville '85
Daryl Bateman 1965 & Pat Palmer Bateman 1977
Cal '50 & Edie Batton
Norma J. Baxley '81
In deep gratitude to 妻友社区, Kay '64 & Hal Bayless
Harvey J. Bazaar '62
Edward S. Becker '50
Janice A. Becker '70
James S. Besselman 1974 & Susan Bilchik Besselman 1975
Dorothy Jeanne Stadler Dangler Biasella BS in Education 1932
Kolleen M. Biel '80
Gretchen Bierbaum '64, '68
Margaret Papesh Billick Accounting BBA 1985
The Binder Family '72, '81, '83, '85, '86, '92, '94
Richard M. '49 & Virginia L. Black
In Honor of Kent Office Supply, Richard A. Blair '72
Kevin Wayne Blanchard '78
Don & Marianne Blankenship
Richard L. Blessing '64
Andrea L. Bloch '75
Tony Bobniz '68, '71, Hail to thee our Alma Mater
Joseph J. Bolash '82
William J. Boliantz '41
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Borom '63 '66
Elizabeth N. Boyd '28
J. Stanley and Roxia Bowen '71 Boykin
Timothy L. Boylan 1972, Sharon L. (Beck) Boylan, Eric and Jeff Boylan
Dr. Dorothy M. Bradford, Counseling & Guidance '75, Nursing Faculty 1968-84
David & Ginna Brand '51
J. David Bratton '69
Bill Brewer 1960 & Anna Damicone Brewer '58
Fred W. Brigeman Jr. '44, ME '52
Beatrice W. Britt '44
In Memory of John J. Britt
Harvey G. and Doris Brown
Karen Brown '78 & '83, Joe Irvine '79, Benjamin, Anna Marie, Christine
Max S. Brown & Lenore Egan Brown, Journalism 1965-1968
Frank and Mary Ellen (Echelberry) Buell '41
Olympia Buller '42
Robert N. Burleson '72
Suzanne Gearinger Burley '67
Patrick A. Burns 1957 & Andrea M. Burns 1983
Richard L. Butler '57
E. Nina Butts '78
R. Eloise Gentry Byers '68, MED '71
Charles M. Byles '86 & Lisa Hatcher Byles '85, '88
Shenita and Starling Cade-Johnson '77
Joseph '65 and Esther '64 D. Campanella
Charles G. Cannam '71
Kevin Cannell '85 & Suzanne Simons Cannell '81
Charles W. Cantale '74. '77
Ed & Patt Bowden Capri '50
The Castiles, Clyde, BS MA ED & Anne Sales, BS MA
David G. Casto '73
Centerior Energy Foundation
Cecil A. Chamberlain '74
Chestnut Society
Vincent '51 & Corine Chiarucci
David E. Childs '62
Margaret Gwazdauskas Christopher '85, Thanks for the memories KSU
Joseph G. Churilla '74
Christina Wang Chuu '84
Michael S. Chuu Ph.D. '82
Edward F. Cibula '57
Robert '80 and Marsha '81 Cichanski
Kenneth F. Cole, Class of 1938-1942, Journalism Graduate
George-Antony N. Colettis '74
Helen Cooke '36
Thomas M. Cornhoff
Joseph D. Correlli '54
Woody C. Couts '79
Carol and Al Covelli 1960, 1967
Steven P. Cress '72
Pat Eva Crisci '74 & S. George Crisci
James '50 & Patricia '50 Crisp
Lowell '65 & Cheryl '66 Croskey
George H. Curely '50
Ted '59 & Carol Hupp Curtis
Gary C. Czock '80
Charles Dale '66
Rod Dammeyer '62
The Drs. Damron
Robert L. Dany '70 and Mary Ann Buckosh Dany '66
Lou '68, '72 & Lee '70 Daugherty
Anthony M. Davis '81, Thanks Ma! Lillian H. Davis
Maryelyn '54 and Waveland D. Davis
Donald J. Day '55, '67 & Evelyn Vaughan Day '53
Kelly L. De Napoli BS EL ED 1993, Painesville, Ohio
Donald M. Deer '60, President, KSU Alumni Association 1972-1974
Karl B. Deitz '74
Lorna Deitz, Eileen Kramer & Janice Zakelj
Michael T. Del Val '49
Phillip G. DeLong '58
Scott R. DePerro '79
Harry A. & Judith K. Dewitz '71
James E. & Phyllis Di Fiore '57
Robert '32 & Elizabeth '30 Didham
Rudolph N. DiDonato '61
Larry '71 & Sandra '75 Disbro
Martha B. Dittmann '77
Janet '71, '79 and David Dix
Robert and Helen '38, '64 Dix
Susan Shuster Dixon, 1975, We Beat Toledo!
Dina Dorich MA '68
Honoring Parents: Art & Gerry Downey, S. Zirke '68 '73 '80
In Honor of Vitalio and Adelaide Casali Dreussi
Mark G. Dreyer '66
Thomas S. Dubetz BS '83, Park & Nat Res, Thanks to all involved
James M. Dudziak '64
Juanita and Tom Duke, Class of 1955
Edroe Dunlavy '71
Taxman "Bob" '40 & Bondalene Poe Dussell of Arlington, VA
Kenneth R. Dutro 1959, Thanks dad, with love, Kenda L. Dutro 1987
In Memory of Ardeth J. & Margaret Dye, Parents of Eleanor Dye Vinczi
Joseph F. Dzeda '67, In Fond Memory of E. Robert Christner -
Alumni Brick Wall Honorees (by Last Name E-J)
Charles E. Earhart '46, Newark, Ohio
Virginia Blackwell Earnest '73
Constance Douglas Easterly
Dennis Eberhart '77
Frederick & Sandra Eberhart '64
Roberta G. Ebert '68
In Honor of Glenn & Linda Eippert, All my love - Tim '92
In Memory of Ilse D. El-Gindi
In Honor of Henry and Madge Ellis, Carol Ellis '71
Jeffrey C. Ellrich '76
In Memory of Lucille Emerling
Jerry Endsley & Marcy Naragon Endsley
John W. Ensign '71
LeRoy C. Erickson '52
Stephen M. Eroskey '81
Vaughn '59 & Beverly '57 Esch
Carl F. Essig, M.D. 1938-1942
In Memory of Edith Lombard Essig 1941-1943
Alice Troyan Eterovich '45
Sheila A. Evans '74
C. Gordon & Kathleen Ewers '64
Janet L. Falbo-Marvin '72, Witness May 1970 Shootings, Love and Peace
Matthew J. Fantin B.S. '86, M.A. '88
John D. Farrell '52
George S. Farres BS '45, MD '49
Dave & Jill Farris '60
Charles J. Farro '71
Carole Mae Fawcett BA, BS '66, M.Ed. '87, For my loving parents
Howard M. & Nancy L. Feldenkris '77
Grace Davidow Fendrich '27
Robert D. Fenn '70
Dennis & Patricia Fenwick '69
Richard A. Ferguson, BBA 1983
Barry E. and Jo Ann Fetterman '74
Marjorie Fitz, Class of 1973
Albert E. Fitzpatrick '56
Martha Galloway Fitzpatrick '43
David R. Fitzsimmons '71
Howard G. '74 & Barbara D. '75 Fleischmann
In Honor of Sister: Barbara Flesher Cowan, Patricia L. Flesher '49
In Honor of my Father: Garrett H. Flesher, Patricia L. Flesher '49
In Honor of my Mother: Hazel Elliott Flesher, Patricia L. Flesher '49
Thanks - Mary & Joseph Flogge, A.J. Flogge 1956
James F. Flynn Jr. '66
Lucille Wright Forbes 1934, 1971
Shelley G. Forbes BS in Education 1970
Henry O. Ford '47, '49 & Mary Lou Carson Ford '51
Michael E. Forsythe, CPA 1970
Robert J. Fox '72
Pauline Franks Class of 1939
Audrey Rose Frazier (Kana) Class of 1951
Dr. Harold A. Frazier Class of 1949
Bruce E. Fusillo '70
Robert J. Gage '73
Gary M. Gale '67
Fred J. Gatling '76, '79
Thomas '81 & Cathleen '86 Gauch
In Fond Memory of Alvin Geitgey 1947 & Mack Geitgey 1941
Randal S. Geitgey '87
Steven P. Geroski '58
Mark '73 & Suzanne Roberts '74 Ghezzi
Joseph & Helen Giancola
Edwin C. Gibson '64
Eric C. Gibson '93
Don R. Gifford '50
Jack A. Gifford Lt Col USAF Ret BBA 310 1941
Ole J. Gilbo '66 & Kathy Benyo Gilbo '67
Albert '63 & Carol '64 Gilgen
Warren I. Gill '63
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Giller, Stuart '56
Nicholas T. Giorgianni '56
William '49 & Kathryn '47 Girgash
Harold '51 & Gwendolyn Girt
Arthur Gissendaner '73 & Fred L. Gissendaner '67, '77
Karen L. Glover '72
Kristen A. Gondert '77
R.A. Goodenberger
Donald S. Grant '70
In Memory of Dolly H. Gray '50, '58
James L. Gray '61
Helen S. Greene '42
Anthony F. Gregorc Ph.D. 1968
Scott '72 & Paula '80 Gross
Victor & Lillian Gross
Elaine Grudzinski '68
William G. Hadcock '68
George C. Haidet '73 and Meg Watson Haidet
Barbara Haines '59
Janice A. Halkovich '75
M. Eloise T. Halliburton '45
Rita M. Hamrick, Class of '84 and '89
Leslie P. Hardy '28
Freda Sturgill Harrington '34, '55
Robert Harrington '50, '55
Anne L. Harris '68
Professor Earl Harris '57 BS Geology
F. Edward Harris MA 1953
Frank N. Harsh, Principal, Kent State High School 20s & 30s
Robert D. Harvey '64
Gary '83 & Carole Stallone Harwood October 29, 1994
Dennis B. Haslinger
Betty Anne O. Hasty '44
Mr. & Mrs. William Hawthorne '79
Jerry Hayes '56
In Memory of Emeritus Professor William E. Heasley
Martha J. Hefling '72 & David Hefling '80
Donald '57 & Betty Hefner
Jacqueline Heim '78
Thomas J. Heinz '80
Neil H. Helman '54
Cathy D. Hemming '70
Clyde J. Henry Jr. '64
Marc-Hubert Henry '70
Nadia Henry
Vania Henry
Thomas A. Hephner '58
Anita Dixon '71, '88 & Leigh '67 Herington
Susanne L. Herl '74
Joseph J. Herman '64
Francis A. Herzog '49
William E. Hicks-Caskey '49, '65, '73
Diane Gasior Hienton '71
Henry '66, '68 & Sandra '67, '69 Hill
Sandra Curl Hill '82
Terry H. Hilson '62
Thanks to my parents! Norbert John Hobrath Class of 1980
Brian M. Hogan 1974 Sigma Chi
John C. Honsinger '86
William Thomas Hoover BA '75 MBA '84
The Hoover Company
Thanks Mom and Dad, Ruth Horner '47
Ethel Eileen '53 Horner-Blakely
Charles '85 & Kathleen '84 Hottensmith
Richard R. Hrdlicka '57
Raymond J. Hromco '41
Gregory M. Hubbell '83
Nina Lyons Hughes MED '66, Ohio Music Educator 1960-1985
Donald R. Humphrey '68
Charles '59, '65 and Marge Hunger
Daniel D. Hursey '66
Paul I. Hursh '57
George E. Inscho Jr. '47
Margaret Brown Irish '51
Doris Linerode Irmiter '43
Ted Irmiter '43 Professor Emeritus
Karen Brown '78 & '83, Joe Irvine '79, Benjamin, Anna Marie, Christine
W. Benjamin Isenberg II '71
Arnold L. Jack '60
Titus Jackman '52
Gladys R. Jacobs BS in Education 1942
David '65 & Elaine Jahnke
J. Bradford James '69
Monica Schwartz James '84 MS '86
Richard '80 & Nancy Janson
David G. '52 & Norma Jayne
Elizabeth R. Jenkins '78
In Memory of Philip A. Jepson '65
Daniel R. Jessup '60
Geraldine L. Johnson '65
Marvin E. Johnson '72 & Carolyn L. Johnson '71
Mrs. Lucile Truscott Johnston '31 MA '57
Harold R. Jones '32
Harry & Judy Jones '61
Pamela Ellen Jones '90, Thanks Mommie! Jacqueline Spangler Washington
Representative Paul Jones and Dr. Bonnie Jones 1977
Rachel '90 & Russell '85 Jones
Russell F. Jones '62
Thomas A. '62 and Linda Coreno '61 Jones -
Alumni Brick Wall Honorees (by Last Name K-Q)
Carol Kalcik '69
Alan R. Kaplan '54
Allan G. Kaupinen '57
Link S. Keehfus '71
Chuck '56 & Nora '60 Kegley
Frank J. Kelly '52
Frank W. Kennedy '39
Richard & Donna Kern 1965
Robert A. Kerr 1967 & 1976
Richard C. Kettler '50
Tom & Caroline King 1974
G.R. Al Klamert Class of 1952
Shirley Heisa Klein '69
Patricia Klevay '77
Francis J. & Edith Brown Kline B.S. '41 M.Ed. '67 Ed.S. '71
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. James Koehn
Dale G. Konicek '81
T. Stephen '74 & Marcia H. '73 Korllos Jr.
In Memory of Noriko J. Kotaka, Hisako Kotaka '82
Martin J. Kovalik '39
Edward E. Kral BSED 1951, MSED 1956, Thank You 妻友社区!
Lorna Deitz, Eileen Kramer & Janice Zakelj
Kenneth J. Krause '80
Cynthia M. Krenz '88
Vance Krites '64
Richard K. Kroger '71
In Memory of my Grandparents, Anton & Helen Krumel
KSU Mothers Club of Mahoning Valley 1941-1991
Paul '69, '73 & Betty '66, '68, '72 Kuhnert
Brenda S. Kupensky '86
Suzanne M. Kupiec '85
J. Thomas '56 and Barbara Laing
Dr. James T. and Lenila Laing
Lake County Chapter Established 1965
Grace H. Lambert '41
Walter W. Lang '38
Eric Q. Langhirt '74
Scott P. Lauder Ph.D. '80
Ray & Ellie Leaman '69
George R. Lear '74
Sandra L. Legros CPA, CMA '83 & '86
Robert D. Lengacher '48
Mary Alice (Sawyer) & Michael P. Lenzo
Richard '88 & Thelma '51 Leppo
Jesse Meade Letts '42, '51
Mary Marvin Letts '45, '51
Sanford "Sandy" LeVine 1949
Linda M. Levitt '68
Norbert '59 & Joanne Lewandowski
In Honor of Elizabeth M. Lewis and Business Education Grads
Lillian Flower Lewis Class of '31
Thomas C. Litwiler '56
William R. '52 & Donna Loeb
Lindsey & Sheryl
John A. '66 & Betty Jean '67 Logan
In Memory of my Husband E.R. "Dick" Moore '44, Janet Caldwell Loomis
Timothy & Dorothy Lorson '70
In Memory of Ann Legan Lowery Class of 1942
John '88 & Ruth '81 Ludwick
Dallas P. Lutz '59
Edward J. Lysen '61
Lucille C. Mac Clellan '32
Jeanette Mack
Helen M. Macynski Class of 1948
Nelson D. Madden '68
Ronald E. Madey '83
Edward J. Maenpaa '67 & Pamela (Schor) Maenpaa '68
Geneva Boatwright Maiden BS '63 MA '67
James A. Malloy - 1950, William '80, James D. '83, Barbara '83, Claudia '89
Gabriele Malon
In Memory of Lisa & Dominic Mandalfino NEOUCOM 1986 & 1987
Rae Grossman Mandel '56
Only the years change - Mal Mann 1954
Jeffrey H. & Gayle L. Manning '72
Joseph Marchetta '64
Elizabeth A. Marino '88
Nancy Mulligan Markley Class of 1940
Ruby L. Marks '71
For Nora Marovitz MA 1972, MLS 1986, from Sandy Marovitz
Jacqueline Duke Marshall '50
Christopher H. & Patricia A. Martin '72
Jim '51 & Margaret Martin
Anthony J. May '64
Alison McBride-Harvey '88
Donald S. McClain '59
Joyce & Dan McCombs '61, '67
Michele & Brian McCombs '90
Robert '64, '72, '92 & Susan '69, '74 McCullagh
Mark G. McDevitt '72 & Elly E. McDevitt
Richard F. McGeary '50
Mrs. Janeice H. McGlone, Alliance, Ohio
John F. McKay '59
Patrick J. '73 and Vickie S. '74 McMahon
Bea Shaheen McPherson '43 & Bill McPherson
David A. Meeker '61
Mel B. Mellis '68
John E. Menesian BS '59 MS '61
Patricia E. Meola '86
Pamula Michelson '87
Vincent J. Micucci Jr. '72
Edward Milbry '72, Ethel-David-Daniel, Parents: Lewis & Evelyn
Thanks to our teachers, Bill '75, '81 & Dee Dee
Eldred '33 & Elizabeth '41 Miller
Nicholas A. Miller
Thomas & Wanda Harvey Miller '61
William H. Miller '56
Clarence W. Mixon 1961
David L. Moore '75
In Loving Memory of Jessie Moore
Nicholas '90 & Laura '84 Moore
John C. '47 and Lucille Moricoli
Richard P. Morrall '64 BS MA PHD
David '63 and Diane (Lulyk) '62 Morrow
Linda K. Moulin '59, '62
Roger C. Muenger '69
Charles '72 & Janet '75 Mullett
Murin '66, '67, '91
James P. Murphy '85
Joseph C. Murphy '86
Thomas J. Murphy, Sigma Chi 1974
Patricia Wilson Myers '73
Shirley Piper Myers Ph.D. 1978
In Memory of Col (Ret) Robert L. Nair 1967
Claire Nalepka '71
Janie M. Nelson Ph.D. 1981
Linda Hawkins Nelson '64
John C. Nemeth '67
Ray Nesbit '35
Jerome Eldon Newby BBA March 22, 1986 Cleveland State to Carl
Leigh Ann Newby B.S. '79, M.Ed. '91 Kent State to Juanita
In Memory of Scott D. Newcomb Class '80
James O. Newman '75
Peggy Hoskins Nichols '59
L.M. Nicholson, Son, Class of 2006
W. Nicholson Jr., Father, Class of 1977
Henry S. Nieroda BBA '70, In Loving Memory, Mom & Dad, Stephanie & Walter Nieroda
Thomas '64 & Ruth '69 Nighswander
Paulyne Chesrown Nolan '39
C. Gregory Northway Sr., Class of '71, With love to Carole, Jill, Gregory Jr.
Carol Jean McQuiney Obenland '62, '63
Gordon '72, '75 & Elaine '76 Ober
Robert W. Ohlrich '69
Theodore J. Orris '83
Aspy P. Palia '85
Michael A. Panar Jr. '67
Wanda Hawk Pandin '70
Dr. Harold R. Papiska '60, Garrettsville, Ohio
Harold C. Parrish '42
In Memory Of Kenneth J. Patterson '60
Malcolm D. Patterson '71
Mary (Nelson) '44 and James W. Patterson '45
Charles '74 & Barbara '73 Paul
John H. Paulich Jr. '50
Margaret Ralston Payne, James E. Payne & Maya Renee Payne
Leo '53 & Helene Pelleschi
Stanley E. Permowicz '59
Karen E. Peronne '85
Jessica Perry '52 & A. Guy Shelley '50
Richard M. Peterson '58
William A. Petrak Jr. '87
Donald Robert Philabaum Class of 1975
A. Edward Pike III '74 & Linda Young Pike '73
Gene Kirkpatrick Pike '43
The Hon. Charles J. Pilliod Jr.
Ronald A. Pizzuti '62
Michael A. Pompignano, BBA 1980, MBA 1981
Portage County Alumni Chapter
In Loving Memory of my dear father, Frank J. Posey
In Loving Memory of my dear mother, Marie J. Posey
Nancy E. Pound MBA '82
Leonard E. Price Jr. '50
Richard T. Profant Jr. '76
Jack '73 & Sarah Knopp '72 Puffenberger
Jim and Judy Purcell
Drs. J. Robert & Diana Quatroche
August W. Quattrochi '42, President, KSU Alumni Association 1965-1966 -
Alumni Brick Wall Honorees (by Last Name R-Z)
Norman R. Rael '49
Hilda J. Ramsay '38
Doris Jean Ramsey '64
Calvin E. Ratcliff '54
Margaret H. Ratcliff
In Memory of Calvin P. Rausch '25
RCI Inc.
James B. Rector '48
In Memory of Lenora & Jack Reel
John '68 & Charlene Reis
Mary Leath Rentz '66
Bill Reppa and Pat (Maglione) Reppa 1951
Susan L. Rettig-Drufke '72
Barbara A. Rice '71
June Arnold Rice, Graduate - June 1942
Lillian I. Richards '35
Frances W. Richardson '39
Bess D. Rider '25
Bess Dunstan Rider BS EL ED 1925 Train. Sch. Faculty 20s
Bob (Robie) DU 1964 & Cindy Sisler DZ 1969 Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Rockman '58
Francis '63 and Joan '86 '89 Rogers
Robert C. Rosenfeld '71
Arsen G. Ross
Robert Evan Ross 1970, Susan Burd Ross 1971, Maggie and Jimmy
In Loving Memory of KSU, Sigma Chi Dad Thomas A. Ross
Dale Rothenberger '70
Phyllis G. Roumm '77
Bill '76 & Emmie Ruffin
Joseph Russo '50
Joseph Russotto '73 & '78
Donald Sabath '53
Col. Thomas M. Saddler, Jr. '63
Marie A. Salandra '43
Carl '73 & Kathleen '74 Sanniti
Robert W. Sauer '56
Louise Wilson Savory '66
Joel I. Schnackne '69 '70, Sandra Scheuer 5/4/70 is always in my heart
David G. Scheatzle '59
Nancy J. Schiappa BS '85 MED '90
R. Louis Schneeberger '77
Edward W. Schneider '37
William J. Schnitzer & Betty Keller Schnitzer 1943
Hal & Julia Schoonover, Baseball Captain '49, Sigma Nu, Varsity K
Jack E. Schoonover '53
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Schordock Class of 1965
Thanks Mom & Dad - The Schorstens, Gregg '69 & Bruce '70
Glen A. Schultz 1968/1970
Ronald E. Schuster '66
Mrs. Ettabelle Schwartz '88
Kenneth D. Schwartz '87
Michael Schwartz, President 82-91, Hon. Alumnus
Gerald L. Schweigert '55
John L. Scott '43
Robert W. Scott '49
Audrey A. Scuba '68 College of Education
Florence J. Selinsky '67
Gerald R. Semon '65
In Memoriam of William J. Semonin '56, Arts and Sciences Council
Ronald L. Sense '87
Victor J. Sepsi, Jr. M.Ed .'69, Ph.D. '71
Jo Seraphine '61, Business/Education, Love This Place!
Ray E. Sexton '52
Beth J. Shaughnessy '79
Leslie E. Sheary '41
Jessica Perry '52 & A. Guy Shelley '50
Paul R. Shively, Ravenna, OH B.S. 8/37 M.A. 9/48
Jessie Ruth Bertschi Shumaker '44, '50 & Earl "Doc" Shumaker
Sarah E. Shumate '76
Roy R. and Jean Sibit 1956
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi Fraternity Zeta Lambda Chapter
George & Betty Siladie '60
Mario N. Silvestri '88, BBA Real Estate, Sigma Chi Fraternity
Frank A. Simone '49
Louis Simone '39-'47 & Margaret Simone MA '69
In Loving Memory of Susan K. Simons, Magna Cumlaude 1982
Barry J. Siville '72
Robert L. Sivon '49
Myrna E. Skarupa '68
Tim and Helen Slicker '62
Paula A. Slimak BA '68 MA '71
George P. Smith 1970, In Memory of 5/4/70, Classmates we won't forget
Randall & Susan Smith '76
Sheila A. Smith
Norman A. Smyke '55
Thomas E. Sneeringer '68
KSU Varsity Soccer Fall 1972 - Best Season
Marilyn F. Spelman '71
Ede Ebert Spencer '53 & Ralph J. Spencer
Michael N. Spirtos Ph.D., M.D. '33
Priscilla Sponseller '76
Richard W. Spurney '78
Alan Stacy '74
Kathy L. Stafford '70
Albert R. Stahl, III Class of 1979
Doris Isaacs Stallworth '59
Thomas E. Stallworth Jr. '58
Jim & Judy Staud
In Memory of Robert E. Stockdale '40, '51
Arthur Stokes, Jr. '71
George Stone, Jr. '40
Robert H. Stopher Jr. '56
A.W. Strawser '81 603 East Main Birds Forever
James R. Strebler '73
Mavis A. Strebler '73
Beverly M. Stroll '58, '80, '88
Dr. M. Jane Stroup BS 1942, BA 1943
Alvin Sturgill ADBD 1932-1935, 2 Tulip Trees by Front Steps 1987
Ned Swanson '64
Thomas J. Tanski '68
Penfield W. Tate II '53
Evelyn Jahn Taub '70, '80
Michele Tavenner '80
Louaine S. Taylor '35
Robert G. Taylor '69 & Linda L. Taylor '69
William H. Taylor, III '74
Catherine and Ralph Teti '75
Thanks Mom and Dad, Your Son
Craig W. Thomas '77
Leona '45, Marra Alba '46, Peter '51 & Barbara Thomas '60
Richard B. Thomas '60
Eugene J. Tiberio '60
In Memory of Leslie J. Todd '51
Ruth Miltimore Torok '80
Andrew G. Toth '62
Nicholas J. Tricarico '69
Thomas V. Trifero BBA 1986
Harry E. Tripp '83, '89
Harold & Jayne Frontino Troy '72
Jeng-Yih Tsai '71
Donald A. & Joy A. Theis Turko '68
In Loving Memory of our Dear Brother, Lt Col John M. Twark
Peter Twark, Jr. BSBA 1955 MBA 1958
Stephen E. Unger '69
Robert & Ann Updaw '70
Raymond '67 & Jill '55 Uzell
Walt Van Benthuysen Class of 1961
Clinton S. Van Deusen, Head of Ind Arts Dept 1913-1942
Lowell M. '32, '40 & Alice S. '33, '53 Van Deusen
Mabel Mills Van Deusen, Faculty Mothers Club 1913-32, Penn Yan, NY
Jim & Ida Van Gilder 1950, 1956, Stow, Ohio
William R. Van Riper, '68
Rudy Vannucci '50
Carol L. Vargo '73
Pothen '74 & Keiko '70 Varughese
Frank P. '48 & Dolores J. '50 Vendely
John E. Vierling '72, In Honor of my parents Emil and Ruth Vierling
Richard E. Vinciquerra '63
In Memory of Ardeth J. & Margaret Dye, Parents of Eleanor Dye Vinczi
Louis F. Vodila '52
William B. Von Stein BS '62, MA '75
Jerry David Vorse '75
Sigrid Wagner '63 MS '65
Gerald A. Walsh '56 & Phyllis M. Walsh
Peggy Curry Walsh '45
F. Carl Walter '73
The Walz Family, Carl '77, John '79 & Kathy '85
Pamela Ellen Jones '90, Thanks Mommie! Jacqueline Spangler Washington
Theodore & Suzanne Watkins '62
Stephen W. Weber Jr. '57
Thomas P., Margaret R., Andrew S. & Martha A. Webster
Richard C. Weigle & Pauline Watson Weigle 1947
H. Gerald Sr. 1962, H. Gerald Jr. 1994, Kathleen & Barbara Weil
Ken Wertz '52 & Nancy Wertz '53
Craig S. Wesley '74
Ken Wetzel (Weasel) Class of '66
Thomas and Nancy Whitehead
Jay and Carlene Williams 1961
Peggy L. Williams '69
In Memory of Alumni Dr. William J. Williams 1952
John P. & Helen Morgan Williamson '45
Stewart A. '59 & Martha-Jean Willits
Robert A. Wingard '58
Doris T. Wise '36
Leonard & Harriet Wise '33
Michelle Beth (Gaye) Wolfberg '77
In Memory of Lanny Wolk '78
Geneva Roberson Wood '40
Marjorie Smith Woodring '41
Susan Panik Wrynn '54 & Lauren Sue Baker '91
Raymond E. & Kathleen S. Yacuzzo '69
Lorna Deitz, Eileen Kramer & Janice Zakelj
George Zamecnik '68
Alois L. Zaremba, Ph.D., Summer '45 Class President
The Zaynor Family
Betty Forner Zboray '36
Betty "B.J." Calvin Zeigler '53
Robert E. Zeller '58 & Lorena (Arkwell) Zeller '58
Ted Zickefoose Class of 1959
Judith Ann Zimomra Class of 1980
Edward J. Zink Class of '43
Sandra E. Zirke '68
William F. Zirke '69
In Glory to God and Thanks to Lord Jesus, Caroline M. Emmanuele Zito
John '51 & Mary A. Keeney '53 Zittle